Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

I recently had a conversation with a woman who was telling me how blessed her life has been. I asked her, “how has it has been blessed”? She said, “I, and my family have always had good health, we are very financially comfortable and we are happy.” She went on to say,“ I have not had any challenges in my life, no sorrow,and nothing disruptive”. “I feel blessed”!.

It may seem odd to you who are reading this, but I thought to myself, “Wow! What a boring life”. I later reflected on my life and the lives of so many of my friends and clients, who have been challenged in one way or another almost from birth. We may have had victim experiences, but we are not in essence victims. Would we say we have been blessed?

The answer is, Yes!

It is a blessing that all of us have come through the rough times and have learned so much more about ourselves and life.

It is my realization that we are not the personality’s nor the stories we experienced. The challenges were put before us to “awaken us to who we truly are”.

That we truly are spiritual beings having human experiences. It is not about, being famous, wealthy, or having the “perfect’ life or family. It is about what we do with what has been given.

My dearest friend passed over on the winter solstice 2009. She so eloquently lived through many life struggles and in one of her poorest financial times she gave her last few coins so that someone else might have a better Christmas.

She we able to look beyond the present situation, to know there was something higher and more purposeful going on and to trust her inner guidance. She also had the unique gift of looking past what was evident to many of us, and see who that person really was under the experience.

The greatest gift she gave me was in her last hours on earth, she stripped away all that I had know about her, she showed me her soul, and the greatest gift that had ever been given to me, she showed me my soul

Since her death I have different eyes, I can more easily see beyond what is being presented. I am less quick to judge, but instead, I ask to see experiences or people in a different light.

If she were here today would she want a different life, I think she would say “not so much”.

I see the blessing and gift in all my life experiences, and I can look back and see how interesting and exciting my life has been. All the blessing in the disguise of challenges. So to have a perfect life, is that really a goal, or is seeing ones life perfectly a goal? You bet it is!

What are the Blessings in your life?

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