We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.
Bringing Heaven to earth
It is Time to bring the Energy of Heavens
Perfection to Earth.
It is time for the Ones who have perceived
The Pure Peace and beauty of the Heavenly Realms
To share their experience with others.
Long have the ones who have sought God Known and Taught of these truths. They have been the Pillarstone of many on the path who have Found the keys to the kingdom heaven within.
And it is the Power of this true Belief that shall help to continue
To build a bridge from Heaven to Earth.
Can burn Away the mists of Illusion
That surround our existence here on Earth.
As we tap in to that all Powerful Light it can guide
And inspire us, and lead us to a place Within
The heavenly realms of consciousness while here on earth.
As Christ truly spoke, In my fathers house there are many Mansions. there are Many worlds that exist On many levels of God’s Mansion. And as the Higher vibration of Heaven is brought to earth, many more will be inspired and their fears of Death Released.
And Many are finding that same Peace and joy of Heaven within them. Where within their Souls are the Tools to Reach the Heavenly realms and bring the Tools that exist there here to earth.
The Keys to the Kingdom of heaven are Within.
And they Unlock the Power of God’s Light and Love
And Bring the Joy of Heaven to Earth.
The Angels of the Lord bring this gift to many.
The spirit that is eternal lies within the soul of all and can be found by any who search.
And any who go within can find these answers and find who they truly are, and see that we are so much more than just this body, and more than just this life.
We are Eternal souls all possessing the keys to heaven .
Ad anytime we wish we have the power to bring Heaven to Earth.
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© 2025 Created by Richard Lukens.
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