Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.


Spend some time with God


Spend a few moments with God,

And all the treasures of the Heart will open up to you.


Feel that Trust that is within and find the unlimited Love

That can heal and sustain you, and bring you Peace.

There are countless Gifts that you can find when you

Find your true connection to God.


For God’s Love is within your Heart and Soul.

And this Love is available to you whenever you seek it.


We fill our lives with so many distractions as we seek happiness.

Yet Remember, all of Life is just a reflection of a Dream Born

Of God’s creation.

And when you sit in the Silence, or when you walk in the Absolute Beauty of God’s creation in Nature, You can experience the True Connection you have to all of Life.


For We are all One. And we can Experience that Oneness with God

When we go within as Christ and the Masters all have done.

And in the silent communion you find in Mediation and prayer

You will find a way to overcome any fear, or feeling of unworthiness

So that you can accept the truth of Who You Are.


Spend some time with God,

And you will be rewarded and Blessed with the Greatest

Gift all, God’s infinite Love and Light.

Which is alive in you Now and Always.


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Comment by Jesus on August 7, 2011 at 5:11am
Every morning I wake I spend time with God.  I thank God everyday for that first breath he has truly given me another opportunity to make a change in this world.


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