Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Full moons occur when the Sun and Moon are in opposite signs and this month we have a Cancer Moon which represents the Mother while the Sun is in Capricorn/Saturn which represents the Father.

These two planets are working well together like loving parents, provoking new insights into what needs to grow and change, both in our lives and in our society. Growth needs Love. Change takes Will and Discipline.

The Cancer Moon rules the feminine and speaks to us of constant change that comes through the need for nurturing and the need to release. It is the living power of the cycle of birth, growth, decay and death, followed by rebirth. The moon rules our emotional, intellectual and spiritual responses to the circumstances of our lives. Depending on what sign your Moon is in, it represents the unique needs that ground you in the world and make you feel secure.

Capricorn rules the old king, father, old corporate structures. With Pluto's entrance into Capricorn we can be sure of social change,
The next 16 years will show us how we intend to evolve our vision of society and our responsibility to it. Will we create a more peaceful, just and loving world or will we continue to create war and death for the benefit of the few? This is Capricorn's spiritual purpose. Pluto wants to renew it.

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