Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Connected Living with Dr. Regina Jensen

My dear friends,

I hope this is a good moment to introduce you a new blog by my dearest friend Dr. Regina Jensen!
Regina's video-introduction:

At a time like this it is essential that we have a forum to support each other and exchange information and call it Connected Living because that best describes what we most want to share with others: Ideas about how we can live with each other and on our lands in a more connected way.
Please read and support Regina's blog here:


My friends, my dear friend Dr. Regina Jensen just published a new message in her Connected Living blog and recorded a new video Please enjoy and comment! )))

Views: 73


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Comment by Lorenzo Abbiati on July 18, 2017 at 9:29am

ok Yuri, done.

Comment by Yuri Smirnov on July 18, 2017 at 5:17am

Dear Lorenzo, Regina Jensen can only read your comment if you place it directly on her blog:

Comment by Lorenzo Abbiati on July 18, 2017 at 3:16am

sorry Regina if might be not at all clear and well linked to your topic but in general i wanna show thes principles:
bad energy is part of the good energy and it's her reaction of the corruoted ubiverse to the good one
devil tries several ways to conquer us until it finds the "right path" to deviate our normal harmonic course
devil is lower in energy but for this reasons he challenges us to gain profit without working or even living on others men work.
if we build high walls devil will dig it and if we have high foundations he will hit us by air. if we are air proof, he will use fire to conquer us and if we are not afraid of fire he will use water to drown us.
but he's not invincible. he wins once , goodness always wins.
this society is a welcome to devil....should we quit from it or try to redeem it without hurting us so much?

the mighty brothers don't destroy each other's kingdom castle to show that only him has one but they build on each other castles to complete the design of celestial harmony.

much respect Lorenzo Abbiati.

Comment by Yuri Smirnov on July 18, 2017 at 2:39am

My friends, my dear friend Dr. Regina Jensen just published a new message in her Connected Living blog and recorded a new video Please enjoy and comment! )))


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