Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.



Dare to see the beauty that this life can hold for you

Dare to accept the gifts that are offered for you to believe in.

Dare to be

And to give yourself to love and your heart’s delight

As one who accepts the dance that brings God to earth

And earth to spirit, in the spinning of the eternal dream.


And with each breath of believe

you are lifted by life and lifted by love.

And you are given pure essence of God’s Awakening in your soul.


It leads you to the threshold

And it heals the pain inflicted by believing in those

Who would wear the mask of power you hold.


But now you hear the calling of your soul,

Now you hear the whisperings of the music

That sings the heavens song.

And now you see the fire of creation and you burn

Away that which is of the past,

And you are offered as a dancing smoke

From the embers of the ashes.


You are lifted to heavens gates

And you dare to be the living spirit

Of God and Matter.


And you dare to give your heart to the Masters of Light

who delivered you to the choice of being and becoming.


and now you dare to live again

 for no thing can stop the love of God that you have been given.

nothing can stop your soul as it returns to celebrate what you choose to be

when your heart dares to believe again.

and now you are the invisible bridge Christ gave with his love

and so the promise is free to fly to heaven with the wings of angels

and now you Dare to walk with God’s eternal love and light.



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