Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

DNA ~ An Awareness, Not a Biological Concept


Is it 2 strands, or 12 strands, 144 or an infinite number? Is it such at all?

Science would have us believe that our DNA is what enables our evolution as a human species, but is that not of the old matrix as a biological concept?

We are told more and more that all that we have perceived and experience based upon linear time frame is an illusion, that the 3D material life does not exist, that it is not real.....

If this is so, perhaps the biological concept of DNA as that which enables our evolution is not real either! Just another part of the illusion. For to have strands and numbers of strands requiring activations are in and of themselves limiting concepts.

More and more I am concluding that what we have learnt of the DNA is impractical and unnecessary in the new free energies which are moving us through this shift of the ages.

We hear of DNA activations being required to wake us up to the next level of awareness of ever-expanding experience,

I have never found it necessary to activate anything. Whatever is required occurs naturally. Such is our inheritance as Divine Sovereigns.

Simplicity is the essence of my journey now, not complicated processes to take me to where I already am, where I have always been in fact!

That journey to No Where is redundant. Instead the journey is Now Here, right where IAM!

All is a natural progression to One's continual expansion of Infinite Being.

DNA is an awareness, a Divine Natural Awareness of One's Divinity, of One's Sovereign Beingness, of One's Authentic Self as the Creator Source of One's Life as Love.

A realisation that IAM Enough, IAM all that I require as The One and Only IAM we each are.

Moving deeper into this awareness is a natural process with nothing to do as One realises more and more One's Infinite Beingness, a Self-realisation of One's Divine Natural Awareness.

Infinite Potential abounds in limitless proportions in this space of Eternal Being. IAM not a 2 strand being, or a 12 strand being or even a 144 strand being. IAM limitless in awareness of Being an Infinite Creation.

No more old matrix strand-structure of limiting numbers.

Instead rather a conscious shift in awareness that is naturally divine.

The One IAM is DNA ~ Divine Natural Awareness

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Comment by Elizabeth Feisst on November 5, 2009 at 8:58am
Thank You Jeanne...if only I TOO had read my blog when I was 14 also... however having said that, all has contributed to where we each are right at this moment.... for it has brought us all to this onedrous point where the Shift of the Age is presently occurring, so best we honour each experience for its part of the Totality we are in this moment....yes the wholeness of Self and the interconnectedness of it all xx
Comment by Jeanne on November 5, 2009 at 8:51am
Bravo, Elizabeth! I AM inspired by this blog... by your words, "A realisation that IAM Enough."

How long it took me to realize that and how deluded I was by science... not that I don't appreciate the scientific methodology and its contributions to understanding the nature of reality... if only I read your blog when I was 14.

Understanding the parts of parts is fascinating... but realizing the wholeness of self and connection to all else... well, that is ultimately magnificent.


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