Happiness is a personal experience that can pass as quickly as it came. The fastest way to lose it is to try not to… and the best way to keep it is to give it away. You may already know that Happiness is not a place, a time, a result or a circumstance. It can’t be bought, sold, or even measured.
Don’t expect to find it here either -- it is not on this page.
This page is about how to feel happy right now in this moment… and not a little happy, but how you can feel an infinite sense of happiness. No one can give you that sense… you are fully and totally responsible for it… and guess what? The good news is that you already are infinitely happy! This page will just enable you to get out of your own way.
The ego needs to predict the future. We usually call these predictions expectations. Expectations are a poor substitute for dreams. Expectations derive from fear; dreams are the expression of your courageous spirit and highest self. Practice dreaming more and expect less.
Appreciation is not a reaction to what you perceive to be good. It is not your judgments or assessments. Appreciation is the conscious act of empowering dreams in yourself and others.
Expectations block your experience of being happy. Anticipating, waiting, and the inevitable disappointment that follows the expectation, regardless of whether the experience was predictable or not, all lead to less happiness.
The key is to stop waiting for an expectation to occur and to practice appreciation right now. Notice the expectations you have right now and change them. What if wedding vows went from “till death do us part” to…
“Honey, I promise to laugh with you”
Look around, look within, and listen… every time you notice an expectation from the past or about the future, you can also find something to appreciate.
If there seems to be more disappointment than delight in your world right now, consider that your cynicism and critical view could be evidence of your commitment to something better… consider that your complaints are really just evidence of your commitments.
Listen to your complaints as opportunities to make a difference.
Now consider your last belly laugh… you know... that time you laughed till you cried, pee’d, snorted and laughed out your ass - like babies do. Isn’t great humor always unexpected? … If yes, then why do we try to control life? What if you could appreciate every unexpected moment like you do a good joke? …and what if all moments were unexpected?
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