Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

How do we know how much is enough?
When we ask for protection to surround us, or when we ask for angels to guide us and protect us----how do we know that enough of them are there?
Do they take turns, or do they flip a coin, what?

I pray a lot, it's part of my daily routine.
I pray in the shower, some of my best praying takes place there, although I wonder how much of it works, when at the same time, I'm shaving my legs and end up with a bunch of nicks---
Or when one time I was so busy praying that I forgot to rinse the conditioner off my hair---
And like today, Bailey, that little shi(f)t of a dog, decided to pee on the bathroom rug while I was showering---what's that about?

I pray in the car on my way to work---usually that's because I really don't want to witness all the nuts on the road and I want to distract myself from thinking about the what ifs.
What if the tire on that huge truck suddenly breaks loose and heads our way?
What if that SUV speeding in the left lane can't stop in time for the slowing traffic ahead?
What if that idiot on the cellphone in the van weaving in the middle lane doesn't focus and something happens?
What if my car breaks down going 70 miles an hour, and flips over, will the other cars be able to stop in time?
What if---what if---what if----

I pray for patience at work---patience with customers, who are often just plain not with it, when they call in for help.
I pray for help with problem solving and I pray that the day at work goes quickly.
I pray for laughter and for something funny to happen, because laughter is so good for us.
I pray for respite for my ex-husband, I know he's helping his parents, his mother with advanced Altzheimer's and his dad with Parkinson's disease.
I pray that all he wishes to happen in his life, happens for him.
I pray that my boys are safe, and that their dreams become their reality.

I pray for my mom and that she somehow realizes that I am NOT in assisted living and that I do not work with animals----and my prayers were answered earlier, we had an amazingly wonderful conversation.

When so much was going on in Palestine, a few months ago, I prayed for the children---I prayed that their fear would be taken from them.
I prayed for the mothers who lost children, for the people who lost loved ones, I prayed for an intercession in the misery that was being played out for all of the world to see.

When all of the idiocy with the financial markets began to melt down, I prayed that I would still have a job.
I prayed that people would begin to see the contrived wealth for what it is----
Although, in my heart, I knew I would be provided for, I still prayed that my small needs would be met.

On my way to work each day, I begin by surrounding myself and my beach buddy (who drives me there each day) in light--- in a fortress of light.
I ask for the protection of ArchAngel Michael, ArchAngel Gabriel, ArchAngel Raphael and ArchAngel Uriel---I visualize them taking up the 4 corners, the 4 pillars of protection for myself and all of my loved ones.

This week, I began to ask myself, "Who ARE my loved ones?"
Is it limited to me, my incredible boys, my beach buddy, my family, even my ex----my co-workers, and does it extend outwards?
I began to visualize those stricken with this latest assault on us, the swine flu, those who are so frightened about how they will feed their families in Mexico---those sickened and yet to be sickened by this---with that light surrounding them and protecting them.
I visualized legions of angels, scores of intercessors, thousands and thousands of pray-ers, millions of those who are centered in love-----throwing that love, casting a net, a veil of love and light---far out across this world we live in---creating a shield of loving protection.

Is it enough?
Are the angels listening, are they responding to my/our invocations of protection?
Do they need us to invoke them?
Or, do just some of them need us to call on them so they know what to do and where to go?

Is the pulse of love growing, and spreading as quickly as this virus, or the other fearful distractions, might be?
Is the vibration of love, cascading across the mountains and valleys, the oceans, the continents, is it reaching around the world---is it helping?

How do we know what we can do?
Is prayer enough?
Is staying centered in love, and is that truly possible---with all that assaults people every single day----is it enough?

I know that I surely hope it is---I know that I live a blessed life, compared to so many others.
Will there be enough WILL, enough INTENT, enough LOVE to reverse what is playing out now, in the reality that we witness?

I must remain in faith---faith that angels are there with those who most need their loving attention.

But how do we know that is enough?
My logical mind knows that there is evidence that when we focus on love, it has an impact.
There was an experiment done years ago---meditators were asked to focus on sending love--to the DC area. A high crime rate---the norm there.
During the time this experiment was taking place, the crime rate dropped.

We know that love has a vibration, an energy---we know, or at least I know, that prayer CAN be felt.
It is my prayer, NOW---
That what MUST be done---IS done.
That the caring for our human sisters and brothers---BE an energy that IS felt, IS known, and that it WILL create the reality that is in our highest good.
That the suffering BE abated.
That the fear BE replaced with the knowledge that all WILL be right, that it WILL be done.

And so it is...

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