Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

I wish you Happiness


And So I wish you Happiness

As on the road you go,

I wish you the simple joys of life

That somehow we find and know.


And may you find some way to be at peace

 with what have to do

for this was left as a wish that was left

 from one who truly loved you


and so I wish you happiness

even if it may lead you astray

from the Path you’ve chosen to take

to save the world today.


for there have been some happy wanderers

who have found that if they try

they can find some simple pleasure

in the gift of love that is for us to find.


and it seems that even His Holiness

 has  found a way to smile

amidst the pain and suffering

there is the human heart beating all the while.


And in that heart there is a love

 that leads us oh so near

so maybe for a moment

we can be ok and be able to be clear.


And the clouds will part

 and the Sun will shine

with a brilliant light

 that will come through.

and you will find the blessing of  Happiness

and be grateful for the wish that was given to you


and there may be some way you find

that a certain grace  comes as you do

discover that you can find happiness

and that happiness will shed it’s light on you.

Views: 26


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Comment by cindy paulos on October 8, 2012 at 11:43am

Oh, so nice of you..

A soul smile back at you!


Comment by jb on October 8, 2012 at 11:02am

BeautyFull Cindy

Thank "You" so very much for ~Sharing~


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