Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Not for us to hold and Possess,

 this precious flower of life,

this gift of God in Being

this burst of Brilliant Explosion of Light

 that dwells here in Time and Space

 and then softly moves on


and if you wish to be redeemed

 which part of you left  in so many myriad fragments

scattered on the path would you be willing

to let go of  and to leave behind ?

to be planted as a tree of mystery

a memory of you

and one of so many beautiful crosses

offered up to God and man to see

 and remember and forget and as we wander on.


and when you are born again

 and look back on this time on earth

as a worthy sacrifice of energy

for these moments you were here,

that you in all of your broken promises

 served as a penance to help show the way

by leaving behind some words

that try to explain this love God gave You

and what it can do for you, for me,

and for all who would hope to find

 what some part of us remembers

and still seeks to lead us to and let us be .


the Gift God created with Christ

and Christ offered us in his presence on this long Journey,

not to hold not to possess, just to worship with our life

as a reason, an imperfect expression of all the Moments

spent in communion with you on the path to be free


and as so many other pilgrims were to find

even as they sought sanctuary at the end of their Journey home

there was no way to ever describe the Glory God gave us

for it was not just the Journal of our life

and the secrets hidden in the  bible we left here

but a way to worship life, and to forgive our selves

to find a way to honor the love we were offered

that brought us and saved us  and redeemed us

and gave our life a purpose for being here.


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Comment by Mary Ann Isom on October 29, 2012 at 7:50pm

Since there used to be a gospel song, "I don't know about Tomorrow, I just live from day to day", a song of dedication sang when I sang in the Celestial Choir, I personally know that no man knows the day or the hour when we shall be come strangers.  It was kind of funny, but the jargon that is replete of redemptive practices had crossed the barriers of what one,having had the job of Editing the Bible back in 1978, that our miniscule thoughts that we know it all and that Heaven's gates never had to be Hell's opposition, I find that many mysteries are not meant for redemption.  Many will suffer life without friend, lovedones, and many will be bound in chains for prison guards to wonder about even after they are gone and buried.  What I have found that those deceptions of all things being equal never ever really should have been.  Certainly for the civility of men to conduct themselves adjunctly

in a civil setting such as a township or villiage or even larger metropolitan area, that left alone , that very person having rightly divided the word of truth if possible, because it takes many years of reading, hearing from true prophets, lining up the word with passage and having been truly led of the Holy Spirit only passed down through Annointment can anyone be truly correct when applying redemption.  I feel for them, the foolisness of deceptive practices come out of the darkness and into the light, that by doing so, many did turn to follow the Light, but with deceptiveness and malaligned origins of truth, that there could not possibly been that many people reconciled unto redemption and that the sins of covetousness, lasciviousness, racism (hate), and untruths even about the money that was given on loan from the Lord's bounty, could not again but put into place a band-aid for a more complicated form of deception found in a lot of industry and business today.  Spiritual wickedness inhigh places, does not give anyone the right to judge another wrongfully,,this especially is true in courtrooms across America that know that their racial impartiality is not fair, neither is it correct in the Eyes of God, and less worthy of redemption in civil jurisprudences where over 250 years are handed down for use of the pseudogod, the Biblical dragon or slang drug use, that penalizes another and uses false scales to subdue that person or persons, these people who will judge the judges are who is to be feared.


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