Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

How to digest the Power of Spirit

When there is such a hungry Ghost

Knocking on the Breath of Being

Asking for an answer to lead you out of this place


Knocking with such force on the door

Of the soul as it sits watching

the pictures that spin into the totality of more

than just a moment in space


Who holds up the mirror to your life

For the world to see the emptiness

Of a picture reflected by just a part of the whole


Held there by some need that was called on to be heard

And so this invisible became visible

And we choose what we wish to expose

Of the light particles dancing round the universe


Until we hide ourselves in the nakedness

That life demands to see

Until we find that slipstream you have

 that brings us to eternity.


And the heart that was hidden spins into being

And the ultimate secret waits for the time to reveal

And the  chorus sings along to our song

And gives us the cliché of a reason for what must be done


And the hungry ghost dines at the last supper and waits

For the toast to the love that was found in our life

and what it brought to us and what part of us  still pays

for the rights to the movie and how the world will see

that it really is time to set this ghost free


and so with a breath and a bow to it all

we offer our gratitude to God

 and hear the knocking  and heed the call 

and we open the door to the one waiting there

and find it’s just the Presence of  God’s spirit

and love coming for our heart  after all


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