Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

And if you love me, than you must see yourself in me,

And so learn to love yourself.

And if you love yourself than you can learn to love others

And so the love works through me to you and through you to others.


So love me as you love yourself

and love yourself as you love me.

For this love will open the door

And allow the power of God  to be alive in you.


It will give you a reason to believe in yourself

And to forgive yourself and to heal yourself

And so be able to do that for others.

For as you do this I am working with you and through you.

For in the union of God and humans is the direct connection

Of the Christ consciousness that unites us.


And when we understand that we area united in God’s love

We truly see that we are all one in light and love.

All part of God’s creation here on earth.


And you are in me in that love

I am in you in that love.

And the power of God’s living energy is alive in you.


And all who choose to love as I love

Can be merged with the light of this Divine Love.

So breathe it into your heart and soul,

Feel my love in you,

Accept this love, welcome this love,

And let it be your reason to believe.


For as you believe in me

you will learn to believe in the power of God’s great love

and in this love we are one.


here and now, and forever it is so.

and so we say thank you God

for the gift of this great love

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