Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Intro - Convergence - Confusion - Duality - Oneness

I feel very welcome in your fantastic "cyber desert cafe"!

Please feel free to visit and enjoy some of my current music projects/concepts while you read, or for later.
Straight to playlist -


In the vastness of our consciousness, in the chaotic node of November 2009; here we can enjoy peace.

I would like to thank Mr Carlos Santana, for brave and exciting thoughts and actions which led to this community manifesting, and of course, everyone else in our beautiful community.


Now, briefly, Me!

Born and raised in London UK, parents both Egyptian (mother from Abutig, father from Abo Korkas, both moved to London in 70s.

I was born October 1982, musical influences were mainly UK Top of the Pops, and Classical Egyptian.

From 86-88 I was strangely gifted and active in music, learning piano, violin, reaching about grade 4. One of my tutors was extremely strict, and after getting violent with me once I decided to quit all of it.

I spent my childhood and teen years completely committed to my mothers religious guidance.
Mother (Bushra - Aziz lineage) is devout Christian, her parents were Coptic, although she was happy to try other (tones) or denominations.
Father (Abd el Malek lineage) is also Christian, not religious by any stretch but his parents were known as "Believers", a much newer and modern movement in contrast to Coptic. His parents apparently looked after "Billy Graham" at certain times when he visited Egypt for crusades.
Approximately 5 generations back, the eldest of the Malek family converted to western Christianity. While he was working on Aswan, an American evangelist preached from the passing boats. Before that I believe the family was not to any religious persuasion.

In London, I have experienced small and large arabic gatherings, sometimes in homes, sometimes in rented community halls or Coptic churches, and of course, the western tones, ranging from Roman Catholic, to Pentecostal.

At 14, my mother booked me in for a youth camp, organised by several churches, at the time our church was Hounslow Pentecostal Church. I decided to open up for the first time and have conscious spiritual experience.

After this, music once again became real and I dived back in to the beauty of sound.
All musical interests at this point were all directed to heaven.

Spending most of my time from 1987-88 and 2000-2008 in Kensington Temple - a contemporary pentecostal church.
I was on stage every Sunday, or any day, playing bass in the band.

I began to awaken at the point which I decided to work for KT, realizing the deepest of deceptions.
It started off as anger, feeling betrayal.
The peak of my awakening happened in October 2007, which completely inverted my thoughts to forgiveness, happiness, bliss, love, and light.

At this blueprinted moment, a huge convergence swept across my life. Job, home, awareness, love, all shifted at once.

Today, I still live in London, working when I need to, other times, meditating and enjoying life.
I will do a gig here and there, acoustic, free channeled, rock bands, cover bands, I have a bunch of friends who will do a music project once and a while.

Beginning of 2009 I began to drastically change my lifestyle, I began to learn Yoga, learning from Serge Raynaud's writings. I began to include hempseed in my diet, eventually eating nothing but hempseed for days at a time.
My experience as a moderately obese man, ended, once I got into the swing of this new life.
It was almost as if my metabolism turned on and stayed on!

Recently I attended Divine Cosmos Convergence Conference, with David Wilcock in London, an amazing experience.
Also I have completed the Flower Of Life Workshop, and Merkaba is now active, and I have never felt more alive, more awake, more joyful.

Talk to me about ANYTHING.

Love and light to ALL.


my blog -

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