Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

You have been on a path walking and searching for a Memory that is deep within your Soul. You come to a clearing and see the most beautiful Golden light in the sky and you look out to see a Deep blue lake filled with the most wonderful Lotus Buds that have emerged from the depths of the mud below and have now found the Sun and the emerging buds reach up to this source of light.
Across the lake is a Walkway of Golden Steps that reach to a Temple on the other side.
You begin to cross the Lotus lake and you hear the heavenly song of Birds singing from their soul from the other shore. Their song leads you and as you walk on the golden steps across the pathway the Lotus flowers blossom. Their Fragrance is intoxicating and their beautiful color of deep rose and lavender reminds you of the pure essence that is the Flower of your soul that also blossoms in the Heavenly Light that is present. And as you sense your soul guiding you look to see that there is a temple ahead on the nearing shore and there are two guardian Angels standing at a Golden Door. And as you step forward you hear them silently tell you , “Knock and The Door will be open unto you, Seek and You shall Find”
And as you knock the door swings open to reveal the most wonderous Room of Gold, with an amazing Light shining forth upon a throne in the center of the Glorious Room.

You sit and Feel the Divine Presence of the Holy Spirit come to you.
And as the Spirit fills you feel a perfect peace enter into your very Being.
Breathing in the Light you hear an inner voice whisper , “Be Still , and Know that I am God”.
And as you feel the Presence of God within your Heart and Soul the light of Spirit fills you with a Pure and perfect Energy from the Source of all creation.
And you remember who you Truly are and what your life’s Purpose is. You recall the dreams of lifetimes. You reflect on how you have searched for happiness , searched for truth, and longed for perfect love. All of the lifetimes of searching have brought you to now and this perfect complete moment of realization. You and your Godself are merged and you are filled with bliss. And the awareness that you have always known that deep within you there was a perfect place of Peace Love and joy. And you know that any time you so desire you can find that part of you in your soul that will connect you to that energy.

And you know now that you can return to your life with a new reason for living, a new purpose of helping others to remember who they truly are, and how they can connect to their soul and the God within them.
And so you leave this place to go back to your life with a new reason for living a new strength and a certain knowing that with God all is Well.
You see that you can Carry the Light of your Soul with you and bring this light to others in need. And you feel the Presence of a deep eternal Love that give you the ability to understand and have compassion for others in pain and this love in you is so deep you know that you can share it with kindness to those in need.
And as you return on the path that you came you stop for a moment to bow in deep gratitude for this wonderful experience that you have been given and you know within the depths of your Soul, that at anytime you need you can be still and go within and know that God is with you and with God all is Well.

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Comment by Daniellle MoonlitOcean Schasse on February 20, 2011 at 1:48pm
Thank you for sharing this . . .


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