Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

21st of april 2009

Since 1981, my life has been directed by a mission statement.

"To favour in teenagers, an awareness of their capacity and of their collective responsibility to transform their lives according to their needs and their dreams".

This statement, as simple as it is, has proven to have a power of its own. It stirs hope, awakens passions and moves mountains. It is connected. I call it my prayer.

With this statement at the core of its DNA, a small basement project – Coopératives jeunesse de services (Youth Collectives) - became with time and by the force of its nature, a province wide (Québec, Canada), grass root program, that touched (and is still touching) thousands of teenagers.

Hundreds of community organisations of all types have mobilised around this statement. This is understandable because the “prayer” holds a promise: that the teens involved undergo a shift in the perception they have of themselves and of the world. This new outlook predisposes the teens involved to live a full, adventurous and creative life, potentally becoming themselves Architects of a New Dawn.

My wish is to introduce this “project” to English speaking communities though this site. Being exclusively developed in the francophone/Québécois culture and language, it would surely be of great benefit to all that Youth Collectives be introduced to, and developed by, Anglophone communities.

I do not know of any other forum of people that can grasp the fundamental intent of this project as well as the Architects involved on this site.

Soon I will start describing the project. Once I do, I would be so grateful for any insights, comments and suggestions coming from you…because, in a significant way, the project defines itself according to the people involve.

What do you know…I might learn to write proper English in the process!

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Comment by Louis Grenier on April 21, 2009 at 4:49pm
Jeanne, I think you said it all in the dicusion initiated by AkashicWreckage : be ourselves, be honest, know when to give a hand, when to walk with and when to just let go (and of course when to barge in and take control!). What great life lessons teens have in store for us!
Thank you for your encouraging comment!
Comment by Jeanne on April 21, 2009 at 9:04am
You are doing well with writing English... and kudos to you for continuing to learn.

The Youth Collectives project sounds wonderful... not just for the individual youth, but as a community building modality. Youth represent an amazing resource, yet one that is too often unrecognized and untapped.
Thanks for the inspiring mission.
Comment by AkashicWreckage on April 21, 2009 at 8:11am
Dear Louis,
Once again, you have captured something that is very real, and very important.
"To favour in teenagers, an awareness of their capacity and of their collective responsibility to transform their lives according to their needs and their dreams".

The empowerment of teenagers, is (in my view) a core issue~~~our teens are closest to feeling their life purpose and then, often, they receive no support in their visions and dreams.
What a powerful project, and I join you in sending your intention out into the Universe!
Comment by AlwaysLove4U on April 21, 2009 at 7:57am
Blessings to this wonderful project!


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