Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Beautiful pictures - for your inspiration!

My friend Kumar Alzhanov, the artist, inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series, is offering his artworks for sale.
Please enjoy the photos of his works: Some pictures are available here:
The pictures are created on the following painting bases:
1. Vinyl record covered with canvas, 25-30 cm in diameter.
2. Special wooden plate for painting (cedar wood), 30-35 cm in diameter.
3. Canvas
4. Fiberboard
The following options are open for pre-order:
1. You may request your own motif for a picture.
2. You may order a copy of any artwork by Kumar Alzhanov, please select it here:
For details and to discuss a pre-order please contact Yury at

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