Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

.....I'm open to suggestions for a title on the center piece. It's 72" x 48".

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Comment by Barry Mack on March 30, 2009 at 11:31pm
I'm sitting here at my desk staring at the screen after reading your comments. Nothing comes to mind. Nothing. Just the light and a few random sounds in the background. Like the heater. Then the rise and fall of breathing. The deepening Silence feels real. All the dualities swirling around us are finally slowing down, as if the exhausted tornado decided to stop twirling, let everything fall and return to it's original state. Formless air. Pure space. What a lovely thought. But tomorrow all the motion will begin again and the curtain will rise on another Scene. An endless Play of temporary events. You and I will act our parts so well, ...........we will forget's all just a dream.
Comment by Erin Michelle on March 30, 2009 at 4:55pm
You so get me thinking. Of course, guests are just trying to impress someone else at the table. I'm just the baffled conduit. And to be fair, I should tell you that before I dropped out of life and landed in the garden, I dropped out of art school after I landed an A+ in Principles. It was agony. The death of Ego.
Comment by Erin Michelle on March 30, 2009 at 12:46pm
And to think, this aged hippy has met some powerful conservatives who set their clocks five minutes ahead based on that knowledge. They manipulate time to fit their advantage. Why they want to tell the waitress will always be a mystery to me. A friend of mine went to dinner with Rush Limbaugh a couple of times (he begged) and wanted to know what he'd want with a liberal. I don't think he got past the brainy, beautiful, built like a six foot tall Greek Goddess. After all, politics don't usually show up on the outside. Rush must be the perfect example of "a wise man in every fool." Even he doesn't fall for his own antics.
Comment by Barry Mack on March 30, 2009 at 10:25am
Original thought? At breakfast yesterday, a friend reminded me that the light we see from stars is a record of their past. So speed up the brain a bit and we realize that EVERY interaction in physical form.....already happened. We are constantly dealing with the past! As you read this, ....the event has already occurred. So "original thought" can only be the instantaneous moment of creative oneness, full of everything. But I digress. Back to art. My only intent is to show up, make myself available for what comes through and with enough integrity or hard work, something is created that "sweeps up the viewer". But i also want to re-emphasize that viewer comments, like yours, actually help create that sweep. In ways i don't understand, .......your ideas, feelings and energy goes into the morphogenic field and adds dimension, layers, colors and electrical charge other people pick up on. It builds content. So I guess this note has been a convoluted way of saying ......thank YOU!
Comment by Erin Michelle on March 30, 2009 at 10:08am
It's so easy to arrange them when there are only two leaves. All three. I wonder about the concept of original thought and original sin fascinates me (Icarus?) My pagan mind gets snagged on the literal. Your paintings sweep me into the current. Thank you.
Comment by Barry Mack on March 29, 2009 at 4:32pm
..... it IS what you see. Everyone always assumes a work of art is somehow related to a conscious intention of the artist. FYI: it isn't. I never set out to paint what i do. It comes through me and what YOU see is the whole point. Is it Icarus? Yes, if that's what you see. Is a viewers interpretation somehow less relevant, cogent or meaningful than the artist? Absolutely not. This is a huge misunderstanding that's been floating around out there for too long. The artist is not the expert on what the work means. The viewer is.
Comment by Erin Michelle on March 29, 2009 at 4:18pm
Ladies and Gentlemen, if you'd care to turn your attention to the right side of the airplane, we are crossing over Lighteye's Icon at the very bottom of the page. My e-mail gets so screwd up I'd hate to lose touch of you like that. Now, I lose myself every day about his time and work out to Shaman for an hour. I'll let you know if I find any new leaves on the cave floor. Seriously, is that Icarus? Since I looked at the paintings right side up, I can't figure out if there's and angel flying, a spirit diving or a human falling on the left.
Comment by Barry Mack on March 29, 2009 at 3:12pm's my email address if you'd like to send me a link about this or something else:
Comment by Erin Michelle on March 29, 2009 at 2:01pm
Speaking of synergy... Did you check out LightEye's "The Secret-Everything in the Universe is Energy?"
Comment by Barry Mack on March 29, 2009 at 1:49pm
Fabulous comments! Thank you. It is truly a collaboration! Viewer insights infuse and enrich the work in a synergistic way.


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