Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

The Understanding of Intent

Divine Intent is the Energy with Which
The tone of our action is set

When Making Resolutions
we are re- looking at Solutions
We are setting out on a new adventure
Into understanding and encountering our selves

We will also be calling upon others at times
So there could be interaction of how we relate
To others and seek their help
And we can also see how we are reflected through others

It is good to understand and be Aligned
with the Highest with the Highest Motivation
when you set a Goal
Why do you want this Goal
How will you benefit from it
Is it realistic
And How can you accomplish it
You can create the Way your Journey is interpreted
And how you feel about it
So ask yourself
What is my Motivation
What is my Intent
Why do I want this course of action in my Life
And What must I do to reach my Goal
Create a Positive Affirmation
And Believe it when you say it
Ask for God’s help and Direction
And Remember to believe it is possible
And to Thank God for the help in making it so
Enjoy your adventure and expect Great things to Happen
With every good intention and Goal your are opening a Doorway into yourself and the World
Expect Blessings of Light and Love with your Experience

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