Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

No man is an island, for we are all joined in time and space

For if you look at the word alone reads if  you separate it as all one.

Here in spirit we are joined together

All are spinning round the sun

And as the sun does not limit the light that shines each day

We should not limit the light how our soul can shine to others on the way.


For no soul is separate in spirit

And each spirit is connected as one

God and infinite energy is living in everyone

We each can make a difference

 in what we do here in time and space

and in time you will find all the good we do

brings more good will to the human race.

For there was powering  what was once said

no man is an island


And All the prayers we pray each day

can make a difference it is true

so do not place a limit on what you believe

 and do what difference you can do

so pray for the world and for good will to be done

in any way that comes to you.

For you will see that we are all connected

here in time and space we are all one


 When you light a candle

and when you in silence do pray

believe that your prayers are heard

and receive back some guidance if you may


when you believe in your heart in the love

and the power of God you have within

there is a spark of light that happens

let that light joins you together in God love  again

for no man is an island

, we’re all here together in time and space

let us do what we can together

to help the human race



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