Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

An opportunity came to me in the experience of visit to my skin Dr., who told me I have a couple of Spots on my face that are Basel cell carcinoma. It's a form of skin cancer. So the first thing that hits you of course is CANCER,
but it is not the BAD skin cancer. My dr. said that on the scale of 1-10 it's 2 or 3. It is one of side of effect of living here in the bright light of Maui.
I do have to say it hurt when he stuck the needle in my nose, to get a sample to biopsy. It is also interesting that I have had this for a little over a year, but used some healing on it and a little make up to cover it up
ALso because I live on maui, they don't do surgery here to remove it , I have to go to Oahu, and they don't have any openings there for a couple of months because they are so backlogged.
So observing my reactions to this was interesting.
I noticed it was very easy to go into the woe is me and victim consciousness.
But that really is not necessary or useful, and it really is not a big deal to have this kind of cancer. But it does need to dealt with, it has grown twice the size it was when I first noticed it, so now about a half inch.
So here's my morning message and lesson from this.

There are no victims in God’s Love
The Path of Light allows us to see
That here in form we have shadows
And reflections that can be revealed

And in the dreams we dream
We may carry a heavy load
With lessons given us to learn
So that the truth can then unfold

There is no need to turn from the way
Or let the shadows that appear
cause us to dwell in the darkness
or in the worries or thoughts of fear

The Love and Light of the Soul
In brilliance shines today
it gives us the strength
to lead us through the valleys
so at the mountain top so we may survey

all the world is lit with the Light of God’s great love
and there is light and darkness here
we pass through so that we can see
which moments we experience how we choose to be

and we are all just travelers on the way
who come here to earth to share God’s Love
the good and bad we find in the play 
will be forgiven at the end 
when we see what we are really made of

so see the blessings in everything
and celebrate this life, don’t hesitate or delay
To give the gifts that you can share 
And be grateful for each day

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