Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Organic cold-pressed oils from Vedrussia

My friend Mikhail, developing his Kin's domain in Vedrussia ecovillage, use wooden presses to make absolutely outstanding cold pressed oils, that have wide range of nutritional and healing properties: Hemp seed oil, Pumpkin seed oil, Sesame seed oil, Walnut oil, Hazelnut oil, Almond oil, Apricot kernel oil, Cedar nut oil, etc.
All these oils are now available in bulk quantities, 0.5 litre, 1.0 litre and more and you can get them at an extremely favourable prices: - place an order now!

In addition to all the benefits you can also apply coupon code Xmas-20 at checkout to get 20% additional discount: The offer valid till December 24th.

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