Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

To hear the Sun,
What a thing to believe,
But it’s all around,
If we could but perceive.

—Graeme Edge, ‘68

The Sun gives Life to our planet, our gardens, our business, our families, ...indeed every aspect of our life benefits and survives because of our beautiful Star! Every inspiration, every breath, every feeling could not be possible without The Sun! And yet when we express such ideas, there is still a vague sense that one is indulging in some naive, pagan superstition! Sun worship!

Modern science tells us the sun is merely a common, relatively small star offering simply the basics to sustain life. Yet if we examine the origin of most major religions, we find a higher regard for The Sun. After studying the wisdom of enlightened philosophers on this subject, our contemporary notion of The Sun appears to need some updating!

According to Manly P. Hall, “The adoration of The Sun was one of the earliest and most natural forms of religious expression. Complex modern theologies are merely involvements and amplification of this simple aboriginal belief. The primitive mind, recognizing the beneficent power of The Sun, adored It as the symbol of the Supreme Deity. Among all the nations of antiquity, altars, mounds and temples were dedicated to the worship of The Sun.” (Secret Teachings of All Ages, pg. 49)

My research confirms the first part of this statement, however I am inclined to believe that The Sun itself was not being worshiped. At least not by those we now refer to as ‘Initiates’. It was The Light or Sacred Fire which The Sun manifested. “Those who worshiped at the shrine of Fire, did so because to them it symbolized God in the form of Light or The Flame, and was believed to be all-powerful”. (R.S. Clymer, The Philosophy of Fire, pg. 18)

Is it possible we have pre-judged or misunderstood the intentions of our ‘pagan’ ancestors? Or perhaps then, as today there are the majority who worship the FORM, rather than the Spirit, the inner meaning, or feeling, which the form symbolizes. With that in mind, it might do many of us well to examine the EMPHASIS of our own worship. Having achieved the new American Dream by winning the lottery, how many of us wouldn’t place new possessions (form), before service (spirit)?

Evidence of Fire or Light worship through Sun symbolism can be found in the earliest Egyptian cultures; among American Indians; ancient Greece; the Chaldeans; Phoenicians; Persians; ancient Central American cultures; and most of the East Indian as well as Oriental cultures! Even regarding modern Christianity, we find imbedded in its doctrines, the roots of Sun symbolism. As Manly Hall points out, “...nearly all the salient incidents recorded in the Gospels have their correlation in the movements, phases, or functions of the heavenly bodies. The name Solomon, (SOL-OM-ON) is the name for the Supreme Light in three different languages, and JESUS has a Greek numerical value of 888, which interpreted with the science of Sacred Geometry, is a direct and precise representation of The Sun!” (pg. 50)

Even assuming the ancient philosophers regarded The Sun as an expression of The Central Divine Light or Fire, ....their writings suggest a deep reverence I find strangely missing among almost all contemporary theologies, with possibly the singular exception of the Native American Indians! Native Americans express reverence for The Sun, NOT worship!

The reason for the reverence is simply because The Sun is a shining example of Light manifestation, without which we would instantly die! Are not our most respected spiritual leaders vehicles for, expressions of Divine qualities? Still we seem blind to the most obvious and powerful embodiment of Light in our every day life! Could other cultures and traditions possibly have something we might learn from and grow to appreciate?

From David Fidelers’ excellent 1993 book Jesus Christ, Sun of God, (subtitled: Ancient Cosmology and Early Christian Symbology), — we learn “Plato used the image of The Sun to represent the One, the Good, and the Beautiful, the source of existence and Being”. “ the Pythagorean and Platonic schools of Hellenistic Alexandria, The Sun was regarded as the doorway linking together the material and spiritual orders of existence. Helios came to be seen as the heart of the celestial pattern, whose physical aspect was seen as the lower manifestation of a higher principle we may characterize as the Solar Logos”.

“Generally speaking”, writes Fideler “the ancient Gnostics (including early Christians), primarily viewed Christ as an eternal, celestial power, The Logos, with which it is possible to have an intimate, personal relation, since our Higher Consciousness is made in Its image. This realization, of which the mystics speak, is the secret of Initiation”.

To have ‘an intimate, personal relation’ with The Logos, symbolized and expressed by The Sun, it’s necessary to familiarize ourselves with the meaning and the qualities of The Logos. In Sacred Geometry the polarities of existence are represented by the numbers One and Two, symbolizing Unity and Multiplicity. The Many in One. So The Logos, the principle of harmony, mediates between these extremes. The Logos may be recognized as our Voice of Wisdom, or moderation...offering guidance on The Path to Union with The Light of Love!

The precise mathematical equivalent of this principle is the square root of 2, called ‘The Geometric Mean’, and appears as a Spiral. This ideal proportion may be found throughout forms in Nature and within ourselves. Referred to in many cultures as the ‘Golden Mean’, it symbolizes Divine perfection manifesting through our lives in a very real and obvious way - once we know where or how to see It!

It isn’t within the scope of this article to offer much information on how Sacred, or Symbolic Geometry relates to the principle of The Logos and ultimately back to the Sun, but the subjects ARE related in ways I believe the reader would find amazing.

Here are a couple excellent books I can recommend. Light is a Living Spirit, by Omraam M. Aivanhov, and Cosmos in Man, by Torkom Saraydarian. These two great masters offer the following information: Highly advanced Initiates can travel to The Sun, and gain firsthand knowledge of what It really is. They see sunbeams not just as photons, but a source of subtle nourishment we can use to further our spiritual progress. Light IS a living Spirit which comes through the Sun and establishes a direct relationship with our own spirit. We may experience the power of The Sun’s rays, and feel the full force of their purity, their godliness, but it’s necessary to prepare ourselves every day, for our encounter with them.

Aivanhov tells us, “If you don’t prepare yourself, you will be like all the other comatose human beings who let the Sun’s rays pass them by without realizing what wealth they contain. So concentrate on the Sun’s rays: long for them, seek them out, love and cherish them, open up your hearts to them, and you will begin to understand the meaning of creation; your own lives will become creative, meaningful and full of wonder. This is why it is so important for a disciple to learn to work with Light. If you only knew the power, purity, and intelligence contained in just one ray of Sunlight!”

He goes on to suggest we organize our lives around The Light, regularly breathing Light to prepare for meeting The Sun.

“Behind the visible sun is the Heart of The Sun, which is the source of Love - the outpouring Love of the Creator. Hidden behind that Sun is the Central Spiritual Sun, which is the Source of Life. It is all-embracing compassion, and in esoteric literature is called the Great Magnet, or The Great Mother, which continually attracts all Soul Sparks back to Herself! Through this attraction process which we call Love, each Spark, no matter how far away - is attracted to that Central Core, the Cosmic Magnet, which is inhaling slowly, drawing all of us back Home. This is Evolution!” (T. Saraydarian, Cosmos in Man)

Throughout history The Sun has played an important role in our understanding of who or what is Divine! As we consider the perspective of various cultures, we may grow in appreciation for The Sun, who offers a remarkable, inspiring example of radiant, beautiful Light, which can manifest through us all as Love, Freedom and Peace!

Copyright © 2008 Barry Mack

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Comment by Erin Michelle on March 22, 2009 at 7:43pm
There were two leaves on the cave floor. Jane Eyre
Comment by Barry Mack on March 22, 2009 at 1:16pm
Erin, I am moved to quote an interesting line from a book titled "The Initiate In The New World". Don't ask me why. It was an intuitive decision. "“The highest type of love may be seen where
two people are united in the spirit of perfect freedom, yet neither of them feel the desire
to avail themselves of it."
Comment by Erin Michelle on March 22, 2009 at 10:51am
I hope you will. It's his line about the jagged edges. I wrote a poem for Silja last Sunday after you and I chatted. I couldn't figure out why your sweet wishes for Sun made me all snitty. I like to use poetry to wash out frustration and ill feelings so the lines I scribble in my notebooks are dark and scary. Trying to clean it up ala AOAND guidelines (nothing a child shouldn't see or hear?) watered down my efforts. I wrote a scathing little ditty about that! I wrote you a few lines too but, it seems you and I end up talking alone in the corner. I'd hate for anyone to feel left out when it comes to knowing you. There are a lot of people with the light inside them here. I think your special skill is letting the light work though you.
Love, Erin
Comment by Barry Mack on March 21, 2009 at 10:20am
i haven't
Comment by Erin Michelle on March 21, 2009 at 10:14am
I love your jagged edges! Did you read Lee's poem "Broken?"
Comment by Barry Mack on March 21, 2009 at 10:10am
LOL, thanks Erin for the great assumption, but the reality is...........I'm especially adept at finding the very hardest way to learn things. It seems to be a special skill i've developed. You know how the market is flooded with self-help books on how to become enlightened, wealthy, successful, in love, etc, etc.? Well, I could write a phenomenal book on how to make an unbelievable number of world class mistakes and find people perfectly suited to test my sanity.
Comment by Erin Michelle on March 21, 2009 at 9:58am
I'm sure you're much too enlightened to learn your lessons the hard way like I do. But, if you like. Make your wish and then break your nose three times! Don't try this all at once, it took me decades to perfect my technique.
Love, Erin
Comment by Barry Mack on March 20, 2009 at 10:42am
Thank you Erin for that lovely comment. I want to breathe the way you breathe! :)
Comment by Erin Michelle on March 20, 2009 at 10:20am
Pagan. I narrowly escaped Catholicism at birth. Now, I understand why. And now, I understand why I think the way I think, breathe the way I breathe and love with all my being. It is true. The path I've beaten out and walked alone, it leads to a clearing, to a celebration. It leads me to others who share my heart and my mind and they're singing a song and I know the words. I've written them, whispered them, sang them, shouted them and shared them. Now, I've read them. Pagan. Bless you Barry.
Love, Erin


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