Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.


In process of undefining ourSelves, releasing old energies of all aspects of identity is one of the most challenging and perhaps one of the most important to consider is the mother principle.

All of 3D life is birthed through this, the mother principle. We have lived in the parent/child construct for eons and yet in this construct we must realise too that every father has a mother! Too we grace the title of mother on the earth, we have parented deity as Father/Mother God and much much more.

In the new paradigm we are charged with being responsible for all aspects of our own more needing to be parented or seen parenting others.....

So letting the mother principle go is ever so important at all levels otherwise we will never become our grownup selves as we are being required to do as ascending master beings....

In allowing this process consciously myself over the past year or so (still much to be released for this is a big one!), I am finding lots of stuff happening at my navel! This is the invisible link (residue with the past physical link, that is) we each have with "mother" which maintains the connection etherically..

I see the navel as an unhealed wound exemplified by a scar left behind by the cutting of the umbilical chord. Till the wound is healed and the scar dissipates (disappears) we will still have the old energies here which connect us to the past....and through this maintain a separate identity

This is a biggie as it effects us all...the navel scar has become an accepted part of the human anatomy rather than seen for what it truly goes right back to the foundation of life for it is through this old foundation, based on fear and pain, we are each birthed Therefore we inherit these energies which become generational, so we can now see the need to strip back to the core of releasing ALL aspects of mothering....being mothered by others, needing to mother others... and in so doing, we release the father principle also. I am not talking about virtues attributed to parenting of course. Releasing the mother principle does not deny these beautiuf virtues for they are a natural part of us all regardless.

A need for suckling of breasts/being suckled during sexual encounters is a sign of mothering partner told me years back that he wished he could re-enter the safety and security of the womb experience....a fear of growing up perhaps! As long as we NEED, we are maintaining the concept that we are incomplete.

In the essence of Self Mastery,we are being charged with full responsibility for All aspects of our lives with full Self-accountability right back to our true foundation of origin as One Love Being. We are growing up at last, so no more is "mother"/"parent" required....and letting go of all the old energetics around this concept and construct goes all the way I feel, to releasing all around identity.

When the navel scar disappears from one's physical body, so too will the idea of a separate identity disappear also. Then will we realise our completeness, wholeness and perfection as created.

Enjoy the process!

Love and light blessings

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Comment by Elizabeth Feisst on August 27, 2009 at 6:45am
Yes Kenneth exactly.... Self is what it is all about in my experience....SoulSelf that is....not that that is limited of course....thank you for your kindly comment and the picture is picture perfect....blessings and love


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