Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Trust - The Essence of Individual Self Discovery!


We journey in Life and find our way through trial and error till we come to a point of conscious awareness when we realise that we are the creators of our experience and whether we like it of not we see that the experience we are currently having is of our own making.

With the current shift in consciousness being experienced and looking at the New Life we are each creating, the Unknown is becoming The Known One as Self is ensouled to Be OneSelf again at last. Trust plays a major part in the allowing of this to occur.

Perhaps it has always be such, yet no more so than now.

As we move into higher dimensional or multi-dimensional awareness, we can see it is necessary that a change in perspective is required. It could be perceived as reverse to what we have been experiencing in the third dimension.

For instance we have tended to live by the seeing is believing parameter, with a need within us to make or force things to happen, with its element of distrust.

As the creator of One's life, the focus is now on living in trust of OneSelf alone through moving forward in cooperation with universal laws and thus allowing all to be as it is by accepting all that is knowing in full trust that all is manifesting to the highest order.

With love in the heart, trust in knowing that all is in perfect divine order, a desire to live for the good of all which is Oneness and recognising the divinity in all things, situations and circumstances, One cannot help but attract to OneSelf and all Life abundance in All and for All, which is One's inheritance based on the fact of who we each are. The SoulSourceSelf, Selfsourced from within, The Creator as All There Is.


The firmest foundation of trust comes to be
when all life is lived with authority
and realisation that One is the way
and all that is needed is Love, come what may

As author of One's life through living as One
conscious awareness assures One has won
the victory of union and perfect communion
the past is now gone with this wondrous reunion

The truth and the freedom of living as Love
through trusting in fullness that Being above
below and within, without, everywhere
the fullness of Life is to Be and to share

Fearless living is following the heart
and being in tandem with Love, not apart
knowing then seeing is surely the way
in trust all is well in the light of new day

O'ercoming all challenges and being fully Here
in presence as One for no longer is fear
charged with creating One's perfection as real
as author/creator Self-approval the seal

Onwards and upwards to multi-dimensions
sees One now at last released from suspension
and flowing with life is the Now way to Be
at last life is lived with a full guarantee

No more need concern about One's survival
for being as One does enhance One's revival
when Life is now lived from the heart One is freed
and material requirements become guaranteed

Newness of Being One's open to see
that life from the heart gives full sovereignty
so moving on forward into the unknown
One finds that at last One now reigns from the throne

May We All be Blessed in these times of The Unknown One Be(com)ing The Known One in the Eternal Now.

Shared from the Heart of One


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