Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

My husband Ray was alcoholic. Most of the time during our 13 years together he was recovering, but there were a few memorable relapses. Then there were the couple of years my son John lived with us. He was not only alcoholic, but also manic/depressive, paranoid schiz, bi-polar, mentally ill. As a youngster, he was always incredibly intelligent and musically gifted. I miss that being very much. At this stage of the game he’s practically unrecognizable as the little boy I knew and loved. It seems like some other being has taken over. I don’t feel any sense of caring like a son should feel for his mother. And, for my part, I find it difficult to feel any sense of love for this person who seems to feel no sense of wanting to contribute something to justify his entitlement to be here. He has so much to offer and keeps it all to himself. He has even healed me of physical conditions on a couple of occasions. He’s an amazing keyboard artist. Yet he does nothing. And I feel very frustrated and like I have failed because I couldn’t motivate him. That nothing that I tried to tell him could make a difference. That whatever suggestions I made fell on deaf ears. This is one of my greatest sorrows in life. Because I know what John is capable of. I know he has great gifts that could be given to the world. He feels like a victim and I see how he creates this experience time and time again. I can’t relate to that attitude because mine is always the opposite. I feel so blest, so things always turn out for me. He has seen me demonstrate it many times and yet he chooses the opposite for himself. I have anger associated with his choice to participate the way he is. I choose to remind myself that it’s his life and his choice, but it’s very hard for a mother to watch her child choose this. I have always felt (and still do) that my assignment with John is to know that the same thing that is possible for you and me is also possible for him. I believe that infinite possibility exists in every Holy Instant, and that anyone can access it. We can open up to a whole new reality. Our life is created by us moment by moment. Each moment is an opportunity to create the life you love. If you give yourself permission to be led by your spirit, you will know the next step for you. Stay open to each Holy Instant and watch your reality change. Transformation can occur in the blink of an eye when you allow it to. John can choose again. He can know that he is not a victim, claim his inheritance as a child of God, acknowledge his oneness with God/All That Is, accept God’s grace, willingly participate in life wherever he finds himself, share his gifts. What else are we here for?

4/28/09 Joy Hart

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Comment by Joy Hart on April 29, 2009 at 12:22pm
Thank you so much for your comments and loving thoughts. I feel them and I know on some level John does too.
Comment by AkashicWreckage on April 28, 2009 at 9:24pm
Dearest Joy,
My heart is with yours. You have shown such an amazing strength and courage---thank you for sharing this with us.
I believe in the power of prayer and I send my prayers to your son and I send angels to him~~~
I ask the angels to surround you and envelope you in their love and light.
You have been the mother you have been chosen to be for him.
Comment by Laura Danielle on April 28, 2009 at 2:44pm
Joy, Joy, Joy.

So beautiful, to read of your love for your son. It would be so nice if someone could be healed by the mere strength of our love, wouldn't it? Seems like it should.

It's devastating to watch one we love choose to progress down that particular part of their path. But the keyword is choose. It would be so nice if we could choose for those we loved. But, we can not.

I will keep you & him in my thoughts and prayers.

Sending much love to you.




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