Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.



Take a moment, a very clear moment

To intentionally breathe in a Restorative breath.

A breath full of Complete and total Calm,

And let this breath come into

 your body, mind and emotions,

let it fill you complete and total Peace.

A peace that is able to fill you with the perfect

Light of trust an the perfect healing of Love.


Let your mind be in a place of no worry and no fear,

A place where you are able to receive the perfect

Energy of God’s presence. And be in the stillness

And breathe in three complete Breaths.


And say to your self,

I am calm,

I am at peace,

I am restored and renewed,

And I am aligned with the power of God’s Light and Love.

This is possible in the name

 of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


The perfect place of Peace is there inside my always

To call upon, through the gift

 of the presence of God within my soul.


I give thanks for his gift,

And so it is.



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