Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

we fight and make wars for possessing / POSSESSION 

we make wars to pretend we are true

because we don't understand other people's point of view.

we make wars for money, because we ARE TIRED OF THE DELUSION lack of love gives.

we do wars for we are not so tight to ideals in such a point we have to pretend that we are true to them fighting.....

a secret remains treasure until is undiscovered.......we confond virtuosity with unecessary things.

WHEN THERE'S A WAR the scandal is that innocent people pay for strong powers

we don't confond war with revolution......we can do revolution without war.

we make war when we communicate and share each other's hate with other hate. LOVE'S ANSWERS is the opposite. we should take the time in producing beauties and masterpieces without wanting anything back but the satisfation itself of doing it well.

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Comment by Lorenzo Abbiati on August 17, 2013 at 2:06pm

nothing and noone is lost forever.

tonight i travalled to meet a girl in central Italy i had no appointment fixed....ACTUALLY SHE'S NOT MY DOCTOR.

I have been at the center of nightlife for some days in the romagna oast italy....

people play expecially young people have fun i was going back to my hotel as my false appointment problem.....

I met some young boys and i just did i hope only the neutral observer.

boys were at the station on the right track.....girls to avoid catcalls had to stand at the opposite track b.....boys went from one track to another risking their life.......i just smiled......a woman just warned them to shut up without explaining......(i would have said she saved their life)

i missed being a young boy.....didn't risk my life but didn't learn the ABC of love.

Comment by Lorenzo Abbiati on August 16, 2013 at 8:16am
the scandal of sexuality:
it makes us return back to brutality
to live it with serenity it's difficult we live it as an heaviness.
we should do sacrifices to put before it HAPPINESS.
we pay with money or worse we pay with our soul for a few minutes .... what a mess!.....our politicians and rich people still use power mainly for tha reason....then arrives the woman that presents the idea, if not in love, only to sell her body for something back.....
if you are famous there's a risk...romance comes for other interests.
if you are not good looking there's the opposite risk your feelings remain unpaid you become afraid of delusion.....if we do "solo sex" we maybe use pornogrphic material wich is another business upon sexuality......
we ae like rats with no escape.....we shoul erase sexuality far as...........................................................


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