Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

The Price of Freedom

When the Soul calls out to be Free,
When the Heart Knows that it is time
To fulfill God’s Destiny,
Then the seed born of the pure energy of Love
Pushes forth to BE.

Yet What is the Price that is Paid
For the Precious Flower of Freedom?

the Nurturing of the roots,
the clearing of the Weeds,
Allows the Sun to let the Bud grow
Into the precious flower of Freedom.

Freedom has never been free.
Yet, how long can the call of the heart be denied ?
The world awakens to what has always
Been a brighter dream of what might be.
A new vision for all to inspire a harvest of Hope
For all of the people of the world.

And the World watches and waits.
And the people Pray.
As the call for God’s true purpose comes
To be fulfilled.
With arms raised high to the sky,
We look and hear the question asked
What is the Price of Freedom?

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Comment by Lorenzo Abbiati on March 2, 2011 at 5:51am

freedom is knowing from within you have not secrets with loved people.

freedom is having the time to look inside you.

freedom is awaiting that all difficulties are gone and we can connect without dissipations.

freedom is not having a bond from bad things but go beyond bonds with love good things.


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