Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.



And there will always come a point in life

Where the question is asked, WHY?


Why the pain, Why the suffering, Why the loss

Why would God Do such a thing?

When it is humans that are doing such things,

And God, in Light and Love just is.


For all this existence in this time and place

Is just a passing dream.

And as we seek to hold on,

And mold the happiness we seek into our lives,

We are given glimpses of the way it should be,

The way we want it to be,

The way we can dream it to be,

And the way it is in God’s Heaven

And  is yet to be here on Earth.


And as we work to bring Heaven to Earth,

And as we plant those seeds

With the work we do,

We become the ones who bring

the Love and Wisdom of God into being.


Why, is for us to experience, to accept and to ponder,

As we act as the servants of a better day.

Why, is the cross we bear as we find out how human we are,

And even if we may never understand Why in this life,

We are burning with the fire of God in our Souls,

We are given the gift to change the wrongs on earth,

And to help those who are in need and we can be the ones

Who serve God and who one day will find the Grace

Of a Faith that will one day lead us to the Understanding

That there is so much more Love waiting to be found

In God’s plan  beyond the Why.


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