Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Chloe taylor's Comments

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At 7:11pm on July 31, 2009, Razame de la Crackers said…
Yo Chloe-O yes its tough to b an Architect of the New Dawn when them roosters are a cockle doodle dooin and coco-rico coco-rico at 5am, still dark out here in the little village, the wind b a ripplin over the deep green electric ricefields and this dawn looks o so similiar to the ones goin on for the last 10,000 years. Its just MAN screwin everything up--O Carlos help us Please! And yes we are so magnificent and so Insignificant all at the same time. Love
At 7:00pm on July 31, 2009, Heather Teach said…
Hi Chloe!! Thanks for adding me as your friend! I am new to this and I am happy to be here with you all!!!
namaste, heather
At 11:57am on July 31, 2009, Venus Vida said…
Ciao Chloe,
Thank You for connecting...
Such a beautiful smile ;)
Peace n Luv
At 6:34am on July 31, 2009, Faramarz Faridani said…
Hello . Please take a look at my page and listen to Iranian songs , then tell me if you liked it or not .
At 1:53pm on July 30, 2009, thomas said…
hi chloe welcome aboard,, now r u ready to start this train rollin??hope to hear from you,, have fun ,creating....TG
At 12:25am on July 30, 2009, Christine J. said…
Thanks for the friendship
dear Chloe

love &light
At 7:55pm on July 29, 2009, Brian Van Korn said…
Its great to meet you again for the first time.Last night I dreamed I was writing this to you from within a dream, that I was just awakening from realizing that I was still asleep.So, I guess I wrote this sleep writing.
Welcome Chole to this remarkable rabble of creative e souls.
At 5:51pm on July 29, 2009, Michael Drewes said…
I'm always interested in what prompted the "wants to be your friend" but especially when I don't think I know the person. Have we met? I'd hope I'd remember someone as attractive as you are but, then again, memory is not the strongest asset when you reach my age.

At 3:13pm on July 29, 2009, Faramarz Faridani said…
Hello . Where can I read about your ideas ?
At 7:07pm on July 28, 2009, Chris Anderson/Onefeather said…
Hiya Chloe
Love San Jose! How are things in the Bay Area?

At 5:45pm on July 28, 2009, VitaminB17 said…
greetings friend
At 5:38pm on July 28, 2009, bob banner said…
At 4:45pm on July 28, 2009, Phyllis Silverberg said…
Hi Chloe, my new friend from Northern California! I tried to send you a message but it froze up. I'm also interested in the A Return to Love group... and many others!
At 4:41pm on July 28, 2009, Roland Morgan said…
thanks for listing me as a friend Chloe you have a lovely picture and might be one of the two million persons who list their profession as "artist" to the IRS, but only report an average $5,000 income therefrom. I hope not.
At 4:16pm on July 28, 2009, No'a Winter Lazerus said…
Good to connect the dots.. of art, mind, vision and beyond.

Sending blissings Chloe - from the "the angels" here in the southern regions -

n o a
At 11:02am on July 28, 2009, thom danfield said…
thanks for the previous invite to "friendify." i thought i sent a comment with that "acceptance," but i have lost much bigger things through my own personal cyber black hole.
what was it that initiated the "friendification process" for you? i guessed maybe global location OR just a morbid curiousity on your part as to just who wielded the "scepter power" in the family photo.
. . . sometimes it is better to continue to guess, [ ] YES ; [ ] NO ?
thom d.
At 9:59am on July 28, 2009, sagar said…

nice to receive invitation from you
At 5:54am on July 28, 2009, Spies Ulrike said…
Hi Chloe,
you were the first person that contact me.
Nice being here and there is a lot to find and it takes hours for me. My English is not perfect, but hope u will unterstand.
Blessings to u , love Ulli
At 12:52am on July 28, 2009, Jamesina Anderson said…
Goodmorning Chloe from Sunny (at the moment) England.

Thank you for your friend request. Sending you blessings and smiles .x
At 8:20pm on July 27, 2009, Preeti Sharma said…

Thanks for your invite.It is my pleasure to connect with you here.
Pls. let me know if there is anything I can help you with.
Best Regards,


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