Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

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The Power of Human Relations:

It's so sensitive the power people have over others. The awful ways some tend to use manipulation instead of healthy communication and reward for work done. Just to rise to the top of the game of life and its constant nagging to be more powerful and wealthy. All the time there's the boss of money, running our spirits into the ground if we let.

One of the most powerful things I've done in the last 10 years is enroll in Human Relations at the local community college. And after long… Continue

Posted on February 5, 2009 at 1:27pm

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At 5:40am on March 13, 2010, Karin Piet said…
Hello Everyone: I am VERY interested in joining this group because I have always believed that there is a definitive link between Music and The Soul....I love classical music, particularly Beethoven, folk music (early Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Carlos Santana (of course), classical jazz, Josh Groban (awesome singer!)....I myself am a poet and a writer but I love to sing (at least on Karoake night at Little Bar in The Miracle Mile of Los Angeles....) I am an SGI Buddhist who was raised Catholic. I was interested in World Religions * philosophy since I studied the subject in HS (in 1973!) I believe in Reincarnation and am very interested in finding out more about Lucid Dreaming and Soul Travel.....Could we have been here before?? Sincerely, Karin Piet
At 3:29am on August 12, 2009, Arnold Joseph White said…
This picture was taken during Christmas of 2002. In the lower left corner is the ~“outline”~ of a ~“wing”~ which is not on the blanket. IT IS IN THE AIR ABOVE THE BLANKET! In the upper right corner there is a ~“golden cloud-like swirl”~ of ~“shapes”~ in which I see an ~“Angel”~ standing, looking down on the child. And when you turn the picture to the left, the right wing of the ~“Angel”~ becomes the outstretched head and neck of ~“a white horse”~ running at full speed. The book of ~“Revelation”~ mentions ~“these things”~! Others have ~“seen”~ ~“other things”~ in the ~“golden-swirl”~. What do ~“You”~ see?
At 3:27am on August 12, 2009, Arnold Joseph White said…
Here is my 159 character Bio. from where I just joined Twitter.
"I was born on 7-7-1948. I found a way to list ~ IN ONE SENTENCE ~ IN THE ORDER THEY APPEAR the seven’s in the book of Revelation into a 77 shape. IT IS A SIGN!"
Check out my info. here, and my websites.. Thanks.
~ "Love is the answer." ~ ~"God is love."~
Arnold Joseph White ~"a white"~
At 9:36am on May 28, 2009, The Ancient One said…
Creator, open our hearts
to peace and healing between all people.

Creator, open our hearts
to provide and protect for all children of the earth.

Creator, open our hearts
to respect for the earth, and all the gifts of the earth.

Creator, open our hearts
to end exclusion, violence, and fear among all.

Thank-you for the gifts of this day and every day.

- native american - micmac
At 11:26am on February 14, 2009, Marinspin said…
At 4:11am on February 14, 2009, nance said…

I saw your note on the group wall and wanted to add how bizarre it is that water is a conductor of electricity and with technology as electric and myself as a water-based tool, with dolphin totem, it is especially interesting to me the extent of connectivity that we have feel conscious of above just the phone and these days more so with others on the internet.

When I was 7, I was electrocuted and my dad got me unplugged in what I remember as a heroic act of incredible reflex and connectivity between us. I have never worn a watch due to their intermittent dysfunctions on and in my field.

I'm certain we carry some soul memory or carry over, but your comment was spot on. I have been spending much more time with my friends of plant and mineral nature since the end of the Spring o8 semester. I am really digging the energy of plants, rocks, and trees lately; this has led me to contemplate negative space in a new light, if you can pardon the pun.

Having worked as an engineer for many years, mechanical, electrical/electronic and also as studio & band sound engineer of which the last was a great mix that I fell into in my teens, that gave me so many groovy opportunities to meet exceptionally sensitive and poetic beings. Working in unusual or as they say "non-traditional" fields and trades seems to be my forte, and so, I often feel like a tool. The US Navy was my crowning effort in observation of strictly organized fraud, waste, and abuse; but it did lead me to my beloved husband! Thank you for that reminder! I will be sure and add you in my blessings for the Great Dawning of Our Age of Aquarius, today! Have a brilliant Valentine's Day! Sincerely, xxn
At 1:48pm on February 5, 2009, Maggie S-P said…
Thanks. Where are you ? Planting now? We just ordered our seeds for next year. This time we are sticking with all of our favorite varieties, not too many new ones. Enjoy your garden! Maggie
At 10:31pm on January 30, 2009, GlobalNomad said…
Always nice making new friends!!
Love and light

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