Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Global transformation; bringing the vision of the heavens to reality. What are the specifics?

As we gather here with faith, hope and determination, we resolve to open up our hearts, focus our minds and tune our bodies. In this discussion I am asking for us to identify, specific outcomes, and the steps that lead to them. Given the complex fabric of our life here there are many challenges and causes. I have found myself overwhelmed from time to time with the apparent vastness of what is to be healed. As we build toward balance and harmony together, we may find it helpful to have a blueprint. As architects this word fits very well for our collective metaphor of the way toward healing.

What are the building blocks of this movement?
How do they fit together?
What does the picture look like?

I am asking for each of us to offer specific things, which resonate with us as cornerstones.
Can you keep it succinct?

Can you focus the idea on the nature of the solution and how to bring it into being, and not just identify the problem?

what are the specific steps that move us toward bringing this solution into being?

After we all contribute, I wish for us to be able to synthesize these steps into a picture, a blueprint, that can be shared. From this, we can begin earnestly manifesting the reality of what is to be done.
Each of us taking on what speaks to us and our individual talents.

There will be many different disciplines needed and different types of work to be done, it will help to conceive of a form, a collective vision grounded in specificity, around which we can endeavor and make the daily steps which build toward success.

May it embolden us and remind us that "Yes We Can"

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I'll start:
A global democracy, empowered to act collectively yet dedicated to, individual liberty, freedom of religion, equal application of justice.

Re-form the global media resources to serve in a capacity which empowers people in small groups of 13 to meet and debate specific questions and vote on resolution of those questions.

As each vote is decided, these mini councils select one of their council members take this voted on point of view and participate in another council of 13, which has been formed from nearby regional councils who have also selected 1 among them to represent their collective point of view of the same topic.

With each subsequent council decision, we are weaving together a hierarchy based on regional consensus. Until we have had 365 councils ( maybe we will need more or less of these) as long as there are enough for there to have been ample debate, and for the decision to be free of corruption.

As each issue is debated and moved up the council tree, different people will be selected to move to the next council in the debate process. While it is possible for single people of wisdom and power to be selected for multiple debates, the use of small councils in this way prevents the entrenchment of power in a single person. Each council chooses among themselves who goes to the next council at each subsequent step.

Finally a decision can be rendered by a council of 13 that sits at the top of the decision tree. This top of the tree will change every time and will be populated by different people every time according to their wisdom on the subject and their peers who select them to move forward up through the hierarchy. This top of the decision tree is inevitable and comes about through simple mathematics.

At each council, everyone is given an opportunity to speak their ideas to the other members and everyone is required to listen. Once each has spoken, again each person is offered a chance to respond, and then a third time around the circle. When this trinity council process of 3 is complete, the vote on the outcome takes place. Once the outcome is determined, a second vote on who is to take this decision and represent it to the next council is also taken. As one person moves from one council to next council, they take with them the responsibility to speak for the decision made by their council.

In this way wisdom is transported up the hierarchy, yet corruption is weeded out.

Does this seem logical?
How would it benefit from modification?
Is there a better way?

"...vastness of what is to be healed."

This sentence caught me. I feel the same at times so I accept my limitiations, including how long I'll be on this planet. I chose my focus years ago, which is to work/volunteer with the work of Prem Rawat as a way to bring peace to people. There has to be something practical I do otherwise I drift into dreamland about all the possibilities.

I used to think peace meant end of war. I worked toward that goal long ago, and still do. But I now work as well toward a peace that can truly manifest, because it's based on individuals. Personal peace, with or without war. Simple, real.

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