Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

A great place to gather together and share Animal totems and stories...

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EarthSpiritBear...SkyEagleOwl...and oh so many others we are one...

Ireally believe my totem animal is the DOG and also the HORSE for they represent much love and respect, they do care in a very unconditional way. Jackie
I think my totem animal is deer because I have a special affinity for them for some reason. Even as a child I loved deer and use to see them out my bedroom window at night before my parents would come to tuck me in. I see them often on my street now.
I have no idea what my totem animal is, maybe all of them, don't know.
EarthSpiritBear...SkyEagleOwl...and oh so many others we are one...

After much thought I feel the coyote is my totem animal and the call of the wild is breathtaking.

Jackie said:
I have no idea what my totem animal is, maybe all of them, don't know.



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