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Good day,
I am Ronald Morris, I saw your profile and I decided to contact you immediately. Can you get back to me on my email (ronmorri01@gmail.com) for full details.
Hi Suzie... saw your face and thought I would say hello... I moved to Nevada City if you didn't know... wonderful up here... live out in the country and have an office in town... very sweet...
All the best,
and know that the term ‘energy shortage’ was a term for unenlightened minds” gbgoble-2008
G.B.Goble (415) 724-6702
The E Cat / Andre Rossi PRODUCTS: http://www.leonardo-ecat.com/fp/index.html
Few new energy devices will find a clear path to a patent. Not surprising considering the fact they defy physics, or should I say known "nonreality" physics. This article will clarify:
Oil to Nickel: The E-Cat Energy Equivalence
"The claim: 1 gram of nickel can generate E-Cat energy equivalent to the energy generated by 517 kilograms of oil."
" 5-cent coin = 5 barrels of oil " http://coldfusionnow.wordpress.com/2011/10/04/oil-to-nickel-the-e-c...
Letters to Congressional Energy Sub-committees Repeat Hearings Request
"Why does the Department of Energy refuse to acknowledge LENR science and technology as part of its energy portfolio?"
Citizen’s Petition Calls for Open Support of Cold Fusion Technology ”http://coldfusionnow.wordpress.com/2011/11/14/citizens-petition-cal....
Author - Mats Lewan Published Nov. 16, 2011 http://www.nyteknik.se/nyheter/energi_miljo/energi/article3179019.ece
In out-of-the-way places of the heart,
Where your thoughts never think to wander,
This beginning has been quietly forming,
Waiting until you were ready to emerge.
For a long time it has watched your desire,
Feeling the emptiness growing inside you,
Noticing how you willed yourself on,
Still unable to leave what you had outgrown.
It watched you play with the seduction of safety
And the gray promises that sameness whispered,
Heard the waves of turmoil rise and relent,
Wondered would you always live like this.
Then the delight, when your courage kindled,
And out you stepped onto new ground,
Your eyes young again with energy and dream,
A path of plenitude opening before you.
Though your destination is not yet clear
You can trust the promise of this opening;
Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning
That is at one with your life's desire.
Awaken your spirit to adventure;
Hold nothing back, learn to find ease in risk;
Soon you will be home in a new rhythm,
For your soul senses the world that awaits you.
~ John O'Donohue ~
Yes... of course.....
Very sweet photo of you suzie.....
and... again.. so nice seeing you!!
with my heart,
I love being your friend. What a future we all have. What a game to play.
hope you have seen my comment as a compliment then. Where in CA is San Anselmo? (I am from South Africa and not so clued up with CA).
Must be an awesome experience to be involved with the development of this site - and I bet you just love seeing the activity growing now. Can you reveal any of the future plans (ideas/vision) you have with members here?
warmest regards
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