Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

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  • Springfield,Oregon
  • United States
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Jackie's Friends

  • Isabell Burke
  • Ron Tocknell
  • Christa Lore Urban
  • Lynn Fishman R.N.
  • Bob Fetherolf
  • The Ancient One
  • James R. Pierce
  • Joy Hart
  • Dawn May Adams
  • drmike
  • Jeanne
  • LeslieAnn Butler

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Started May 24, 2012


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Jackie's Page

Hi just read something about the Moon Bears and am now in tears, what kind of hateful people do we have on planet earth, don't really understand what bile is used for and probably don't want to really know. It seems as so many people are losing their minds especially when it comes to cruelty. These poor Moon Bears in Asia I presume treated in such a manner, kept in a crush cage forever - I know now without a shadow of a doubt that the majority of earth people have gone mad for sure. Those poor little bears, wish I was bilionairor such but of course if wishes were fishes I'd have basket ful which I don't and can just take care of myself - wouldn't go to one of those old folk cages anyway they wouldn't take me for I have no money, ha and with that have the last laugh on those greedy monsters. All our creatures are dying because of us, doesn't that just make you all tingly all over?? Not me because I consider all creatures of which humans are one of those creatures for sure and guess if they can treat them rotten when somebody does something to them, well so be it says I, just feel the pain and you will know how our beautiful four legged creatures feel, and it ain't no fun.

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Jackie's Blog

My Recovery

Maybe I can tell a little bit about my recovery and what happened. It is a long long story so guess I better condense it down. Living 80 years has been a journey for sure, believe I started out like everybody else, born in Minnesota and had a fairly loving family, had no idea how loving until it has disappeared from my life. That is the beginning of my story. Had friends, and also was able to follow a little of my dreams, spent a lot of time with my grandparents which was great and this is… Continue

Posted on April 28, 2009 at 6:57pm — 6 Comments

Jackies Blog

The video I just saw about the rocket stoves is phenomenal, something anybody can create, to save on fuel and be able to cook, thanks alot for the video. Jackie

I have a fantastic site would love to add but can't find where a link is added: anyway here it is.

Posted on March 31, 2009 at 2:30pm — 1 Comment

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At 2:35pm on July 10, 2010, Brent N. Hunter said…
Hi Jackie -- I agree, no need for any apologies at all -- we're all so busy these days. The past is no longer here, the future hasn't arrived. The present is all we ever have. That's why they call it the Present. :)

Have an awesome blissful day!

At 6:55am on April 20, 2010, Brent N. Hunter said…
Good morning Jackie! I wanted to leave an inspiring message for you to start your day:

Salutation to the Dawn

Look to this day!
For it is life, the very life of life.

In its brief course
Lie all the verities and realities of your existence:
The bliss of growth
The glory of action
The splendor of beauty
For yesterday is but a dream
And tomorrow only a vision
But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.

Look well, therefore to this day!

Such is the salutation to the dawn.

- Kalidasa, Indian Poet
At 1:01am on September 23, 2009, Jackie said…
Thanks Bob appreciate the info, wow oh wow had no idea. Love Jackie (Mom)
At 1:51pm on September 22, 2009, Bob Fetherolf said…
I am in Alaska, Jessica is in a foster home in L.A., and rhondas running around with some loosers in LA. Whats your phone number.? Send to BF
At 7:15pm on August 6, 2009, Jeanne said…
Hello Jackie, I hope the summer has seen your spirit soar and your love blossom like the flowers and fruit. My garden is growing like crazy... just picked some fat, red tomatoes and a couple foot long zucchinis... they're like my babies, except that I get to eat their homegrown deliciousness. Metta, Jeanne
At 7:02pm on April 28, 2009, Jackie said…
So sorry haven't been very into blogging or maybe just don't have anything to share for have been doing a lot of meditation and prayer and getting more in touch with my inner feelings, thanks for still being my friend. Jackie
At 9:12pm on March 24, 2009, James R. Pierce said…
After 4 back surgurys, I am still recovering, so I don't get out much. Tonight I went to st, marks for a meeting but I could not stay but 1 hour. Other than that I just take one day at a time. Jim
At 9:23am on March 24, 2009, The Ancient One said…
A Little Girl's Prayer
Katherine Mansfield

Grant me the moment, the lovely moment
That I may lean forth to see
The other buds, the other blooms,
The other leaves on the tree:

That I may take into my bosom
The breeze that is like his brother,
But stiller, lighter, whose faint laughter
Exhoes the joy of the other.

Above on the blue and white cloud-spaces
There are small clouds at play.
I watch their remote, mysterious play-time
In the other far-away.

Grant I may hear the small birds singing
the song that the silence knows...
(The Light and the Shadow whisper together,
The lovely moment grows,

Ripples into the air like water
Away and away without sound,
And the little girl gets up from her praying
On the cold ground)
At 7:55pm on March 22, 2009, James R. Pierce said…
I am glad you enjoy this as much as I do
At 10:03am on March 20, 2009, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Jackie, you are wonderful! I have a best friend in Portland who I call Jackie O.
I'm glad you and I are friends, too! Do you ever get up to Portland?


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