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Business Unity Harmony and Wholeness


Business Unity Harmony and Wholeness

How can we 'be and do business' in way which generates more love, unity and wholeness for our planet, in our local and global marketplace...what can we do together?

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Latest Activity: Jul 27, 2014

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Comment by Brotherhood Of Eternal Love on February 27, 2010 at 5:44am
Music is looked upon as something serious and holy, designed to purify the feelings of the people. The enthusiasm of the heart expresses itself involuntarily in a burst of song or the rhythmic movement of the body. From immemorial times the inspiring affects that moves all hearts, and draws them together, has mystified mankind.
The ancient kings made music in order to honor merit, and offered it with splendor to the Supreme Deity inviting their ancestors to be present. In the Temple folks drew near to God with music and pantomimes. The Ancestors were invited to these divine rituals as guests of the ruler of heaven and as representatives of humanity in the higher regions. This uniting of the human past with the Divinity in revering his ancestors with solemn moments of spiritual inspiration established the bond between God and man. Our first Earthdance and Theater.
Comment by Henry Z on December 29, 2009 at 4:43am
Hi Lisa, over the years you and I have had many Deep and Meaningful discussions about this very subject [besides all the other chats].
In trying to make a difference in the commercial world it is first necessary to wrestle back control from the mighty bean counters. The world in recent years experienced the negative side of their might when they lost control of the world supply of beans after they got too greedy.
Success for a business is measured in dollars, so our first step would be to "find" an Accountant that ensures your compliance with your countries statutes and yet practices the values and ethics that you have.
The rest of your journey uphill is to provide a Service that is so unique because of its values and quality that people will remember your effort.
And as a result return for more.
Having worked for Australia's largest Electricity Distributor for over 46 years and being part of Management I have on many occasions witnessed that commercial toughness cannot beat the values and integrity of an honest dealer, because the client will make that decision and will return for value.
It is impossible to win when you take on the big boys at their game. The trick lies in specialising in a field that is not on their agenda.
When generating more love, unity, wholeness and sincerity within yourself during your activities you will find that the clients and supporters will come towards your vibration.
So the answer starts from within and blossoms outwards with so much gusto that other people will want a part of the action as well.
You must believe in yourself wholeheartedly for that to happen.
This is where "Love your neighbour as you love yourself" comes into it because we all have some baggage that must be sorted out along that journey. You know the "One less travelled" and YES "you can Heal Yourself" if you really want to.
Take care and Happy New Year. LOL
Comment by The Ancient One on September 22, 2009 at 5:54am
Once you have started seeing the beauty of life,
ugliness starts disappearing.
If you start looking at life with joy,
sadness starts disappearing.
You cannot have heaven and hell together,
you can have only one.
It is your choice.

- Osho
Comment by Gysette on July 31, 2009 at 6:45am
Hi Ron,

This is very typical of the auto industry or just about any large corporate company that won't accept failure when the chips are down. Ego's get in the way, and inefficiencies become a part of the problem. Such that the manager's are then trying to re-invent the wheel when the solution is in front of their noses but won't bother because the manager at station X, is not about to get the recognition they deserve unless someone steps up to the plate to back it up. Of course, moving up in corporate ladder if you're in a lower end management position takes some smart moves.

Giving the worker bee a chance to express his thoughts or give employees the opportunity to voice their opinion is always a positive move, as well as giving them the opportunity to give them training also serves as a excellent way to motivate and encourage your employees to work more efficiently.

As with the bailout in the auto industry, and stock investments, those foolish greedy people took advantage of the situation, accepted the failure then walked away with millions. I see that there are more ethical issues to deal with such that their big egos got in the way, only to forget about the workforce.

Read the book, the Peter Plan many years ago and also Why things go wrong.
Comment by Ron Tocknell on July 31, 2009 at 6:14am
I think some variations on the fundamental structures of businesses could possibly take seed. The obvious drawbacks are the dangers of trying to create new business models... they so often fail that only the foolhardy would divert from the tried and tested.

Perhaps we need more foolhardy people who are prepared to accept failure :o)

Current structures tend to have the most empowered personnel at the 'top' making decisions that harbour flaws more apparent to those who work at production level. I've seen it so often. The workforce are acutely aware of failures in the system because they are the ones who have to deal with them. However, the decision-makers are in a position of power over the workforce. They have their egos and their perceived 'position' to consider so do not take kindly to advice from 'below'.

It would be interesting to see a cooperative in which all the production workforce are equal partners and they then employ a management team. Management would still be making managerial decisions and would be telling the workforce what to do but would not be in a position of 'power' over the workforce.

Role movement within the workforce would be based on talent and would be lateral rather than upward promotion.

The Peter Principal, by Dr. Lawrence J Peter states that "In a Hierarchy Every Employee Tends to Rise to His Level of Incompetence". In effect, an employee's role is temporary as long as they're good at it because they're always eligible for promotion, As soon as they're promoted into a role in which they are less proficient, that role becomes permanent. Consequently, the further up the hierarchical ladder you look, the more incompetence and less job satisfaction you're likely to encounter.
Comment by Gysette on July 30, 2009 at 2:18pm
Hi Chris,

I agree with your statement that responsibility starts with management where they should make sure that everyone below them is also taking responsibility. In fact I would say that if upper management fails then the effects would eventually be reflected in the output. Btw, rarely have I ever worked for a business, mostly owned my own.

I see you mention Toyota as an example. Do you work for them in management? Your views sound philosophical in style. Yet, I don't know if you are a hands on, get the company started sort of person. I'm a company/corporate starter, entrepreneur, inventor, business planner/writer, investor, motivator, continuous learner, and everything else that requires a person run a business successfully. From hiring to setting the payroll, financing, dealing with VC's, and the government.

So please tell me about your experience. I would love to hear more.

Comment by Chris Braithwaite on July 30, 2009 at 11:04am
Hi Gyselle
I had suggested that much of the responsibility lies with management.
Of course, the future is everyone's responsibility. Someone once said, decisions are made by those who show (metaphorically speaking). I would be interested in any thoughts you have.
Comment by Gysette on July 29, 2009 at 5:31pm
This is great, finally, I found a place where other's and I have a common ground. I have this passion for the challenge, the creativeness, and everything else that comes along in a business environment.
Comment by Chris Braithwaite on April 19, 2009 at 4:26am
Hi Lisa (and other members)
Thanks for starting what should be a great discussion group.

Business is often seen as the root of most of the world's problems, so it is useful to look at how the problem can become the solution.

It is the motives of the people that run organisations that are the issue.
Allied to this are the values considered 'important' on which the businesses's culture is built.The business paradigm for the last 150 years has been, for the most part, profit based, win-lose competition.

So, I completely agree that it is a question of how leaders see their role.
The more enlightened are begining to recognise the interconnectivity of the world (The recent global financial problems have brought this into stark relief)
and adopt sustainability as a valid business approach - based on Triple Bottom line thinking. This is leading to the opening up of new markets and lines of revenue and profit One Example : Toyota Prius - initially considered a joke - now they can'tmake them quickly enough. This hybrid approach may not be good enough for the extremists but its better for the environment than 100% petrol. Consumers are responding with their wallets.(win-win).

In terms of business evolution, the businesses that adapt to the new paradigm will be the ones that will survive and prosper. They will be the companies people want to buy from and work for - giving them a great advantage.

Triple Bottom Line (TBL) recognises the need for profit i.e. a return on financial capital. But the addition of a 'return' on the Social and Environmental Capital is equally valid.

One example: A key element in terms of social capital is the well being / happiness of employees. One of the key drivers of long term or Authentic Happiness (see book by Dr Martin Seligman) is having purpose and utilising signature strengths. So, working for a business that you feel has real positive purpose (eg TBL outcomes) and creates a personally supportive work environment will go some way to adding to employee happiness. This leads to higher retention rates, less absenteeism, etc. So its a win-win.

I come back to the central point. It starts with the leaders and senior management... they 'set the rules'. It is crucial that they see Triple Bottom Line/Sustainability as an holistic endeavour. If it is approached as a 'bolt-on'
or PR exercise it will fail to generate results, as inititatives will fail the transparency test.

Anyway just some intial thoughts.

Comment by Nancy on April 9, 2009 at 3:16pm
Very excited about this group... at my last startup, my business partner and I worked really hard to hold a space for higher consciousness within every aspect of the company. Turns out that that works great, until you get involved with VC's and start expanding--hard to find VC's/executive management that really even understand the importance building the corporate structure on top of carefully crafted core values, let alone those who might get behind meditation in order to tap into technological breakthroughs, or understand that setting intent--and being 100% congruent with that intent--is key to success. But even so, there's a real opportunity to create "triple bottom-line" (people, planet, profit)--and beyond--business structures. I look forward to getting to know all of you, and hearing your ideas, challenges and success stories in this area!

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