Architects of a New Dawn

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I think the word chronic is too negative of a label. I am dealing with a dis-ease at the moment and thought this might be a good place for others doing the same to support each other in the process.

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A few with four letters came to mind. Chronic is a nasty word. I like persistent. To me, it implies if I'm more persistent, I'll overcome the problem. I wish you strength and hope you find comfort. Best Wishes, Erin
Yes, I agree. Word chronic just makes week. I work very much with the Belief " I am a spiritual being making human experiences" . We know in that case are limitations not possible, we have only to menage the moments of our human vulnerability. What do you think, folks? Love, Light and Laugh, Tania
I prefer the word persistent too.

My friend RedTail always says to Believe too. Believing works for me. Thought is powerful and as we all know so are words.
Glad I could be of some help some how... even if inadvertently. Much love and sunshine and gold light and healing to you too. I do believe what you are saying about when we give of our hearts it does come back. The un-official mayor of my little one horse town that has now passed on said that if you treat others with goodness it will bring you goodness.
There's a great site called
I hope you get well soon. Have you done juicing.. I recommend it fully.
I have a new juicer I just need to get it out of my storage unit one of these days which is about 40 minutes away and open the box and read the directions. What have you been juicing? Yes I have been to the curezone before.
I have been using Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, apple cider vinegar and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) for my healing journey in addition to meditations and visualization. I too have had persistent dis-ease. Asthma and allergies have disrupted much in the past. One year ago I was on the maximum amount on the inhaler daily, and today I am on one puff or less per day. I had been off it altogether and then I adopted a dog from the shelter, so it flared up.

I am amazed at the progress I have made and wish continued positive change for everyone going through a healing transformation right now. Blessings to everyone ;>)
I like to describe it as a bit of density that can be permeated by fluid light
I love juicing but got turned onto green smoothies in the blender which is a lot faster and lots of fiber. I use organic rainbow chard, kale, spinach, beet leaves, mixed greens with banana and berries or kiwi with just water. As long as it isn't an acid fruit I find I can combine it with the greens and it is delicious.

Marinspin said:
I have a new juicer I just need to get it out of my storage unit one of these days which is about 40 minutes away and open the box and read the directions. What have you been juicing? Yes I have been to the curezone before.
For anybody interested in holding a workshop in The Mayan Riviera Mexico, please contact me
Chronic just means lasting a long time or recurring. But, it is used, and therefore implies, as meaning lasting forever. Doctors tend to use chronic when they don't have a solution, rather than saying 'we don't currently have a solution'. Or, better yet, 'I don't have a solution. You should go somewhere else.'

I've treated many people with chronic diseases that have gone away quite quickly and easily because I was lucky enough to have a solution.




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