Architects of a New Dawn

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Language Partners

Communication is the key to all relationships. If, like me, you would like to learn other languages and can partner others in learning your Mother Tongue, please join us... otherwise, I'll feel a bit stupid trying to teach myself Esperanto

Members: 20
Latest Activity: Feb 19, 2014

Discussion Forum

How does Language Partners work? 3 Replies

Started by Ron Tocknell. Last reply by Ajumaaree Dec 28, 2009.

Giovanna & Ron 8 Replies

Started by Ron Tocknell. Last reply by giovanna marino Aug 22, 2009.

English: The illogical language

Started by Ron Tocknell Jul 14, 2009.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Brotherhood Of Eternal Love on February 27, 2010 at 6:05am
Music is looked upon as something serious and holy, designed to purify the feelings of the people. The enthusiasm of the heart expresses itself involuntarily in a burst of song or the rhythmic movement of the body. From immemorial times the inspiring affects that moves all hearts, and draws them together, has mystified mankind.
The ancient kings made music in order to honor merit, and offered it with splendor to the Supreme Deity inviting their ancestors to be present. In the Temple folks drew near to God with music and pantomimes. The Ancestors were invited to these divine rituals as guests of the ruler of heaven and as representatives of humanity in the higher regions. This uniting of the human past with the Divinity in revering his ancestors with solemn moments of spiritual inspiration established the bond between God and man. Our first Earthdance and Theater.
Comment by giovanna marino on September 27, 2009 at 9:53am
Cio'!? Còssa sitto drio dire!!! (Wadd-a hell U'r sayin', man?)
(venetian slang - you might want to reconsider, either!!!!)
Cosa stai dicendo!? (Italian)
Joking, of course! Sto scherzando, naturalmente!

Còssa diavoeo xe sucesso, te ghèto descantà? (Venetian)
Wadd-a hell U gotcha, did-ya free from a spell?
Cosa ti è successo? Ti sei disincantato?

Ciao Ruth, benvenuta a bordo!
Hello Ruth, welcome on board!

Vuoi imparare l'italiano anche tu?
Do you want to learn Italian, too?

Cosa hai fatto mangiare a tuo papà, dei funghi strani?
What did you give your father to eat, any strange mushrooms?

Ciao tosi, (Ciao ragazzi)

Comment by Ron Tocknell on September 27, 2009 at 9:18am
Ow bist tha ol' butts? (How are you, dear friends?)
Wonsa t'zay 'Ow bist' ta dowtur, Ruth (I would like you to say hello to my daughter, Ruth)
'Er jus jined thik groop thik doy (She just joined the group today)
'Er d'cum vrum th' vorust (She is from the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire, UK)
Wur th'volk cosn't zpik nowt but twaddle (Where the people speak differently)
Tho' 'er d'zpike loike zity volk (However, she can speak normal English)
Zo, if thous wanna lurn t'zpik vorust (So, if you would like to learn the Forest of Dean dialect)
Thou d'wanna 'ave thy yud igzamined (You might want to reconsider)
Comment by Ron Tocknell on August 8, 2009 at 10:10am
If you look above the 'Add a Comment' text box, you'll see the list of discussions:
Giovanna & Ron,
How does Language Partners work?
English: The illogical Language.
You've already made a comment in "Giovanna & Ron"
Comment by giovanna marino on August 8, 2009 at 7:20am
Sorry, what am I supposed to do?
where should I click? Am I not in the right place?
There's something wrong with the "usability" of this site!
Please let me know, I'm preparing the translation of Take flight among the stars...uhmmm....where should I paste it?
Comment by Ron Tocknell on August 8, 2009 at 7:08am
Thank God I can blame the online translator!!

Giovanna, shall we conduct the rest of these exchanges in the "Giovanna & Ron" discussion? that will avoid crowding this page more than necessary.

I'm busy comparing your translations with the translator versions to get the gist of the sentence structure (translators simply translate each word but they don't change the sentence structure).
Comment by giovanna marino on August 8, 2009 at 5:45am
Hello, Giovanna. Thank you for making an immediate start.
Ciao, Giovanna. Grazie per aver scelto di fare l'avvio immediato.
It’s better if you say “di iniziare immediatamente” .
It’s possible “fare l'avvio immediato” if you boot a PC or a machine.

I am using an online translator, which are not always reliable.
Sto usando un traduttore online, che non sono sempre affidabili.
You should write “Sto usando un traduttore online (no comma) che non è sempre affidabile” .
The subject is the translator and it is singular, so must be the verb (Io sono, tu sei, egli è…)
becouse “che” (which) is related to the translator.

Some are better than others. Perhaps you could correct any errors for me also.
Alcuni sono migliori di altri. Forse si potrebbe correggere eventuali errori anche per me.
There is no sense in this sentence, better if you write:
Forse ci saranno degli errori che vorrai correggere per me.

I think the best way to start is to open a discussion called “Giovanna & Ron” where we exchange messages in an open forum so that others can also offer help if they wish.
Penso che il modo migliore per cominciare è sia (condizional form) quello di aprire una discussione chiamato chiamata "Giovanna & Ron" dove lo scambio di possiamo scambiare messaggi in un forum aperto in modo che gli altri possono possano (condizional form) anche offrire un aiuto, se lo desiderano.
After “che” (meaning which or what) verbs are in conditional form.
In Italian language all verbs are declined (io posso, tu puoi, egli può, noi possiamo, voi potete, essi possono) so we can skip the subject (posso, puoi, può, possiamo, potete, possono) … and most of them are irregular (very difficult for english spoken people)
Each substantive has a gender: femminine or masculine. There is no neuter, “it” doesn’t exist.
All verbs and adjectives must be declined in feminine or masculine, singular or plural.
(are you still with me? Not tired yet? Not too difficult?)

Fortunately, your English is very good so it will make it easier for both of us as we have a common language in which we can communicate.

Fortunatamente, il vostro tuo inglese è molto buona buono in modo da rendere così sarà più facile per entrambi sia per noi come noi di avere poiché abbiamo un linguaggio comune in cui si può con il quale comunicare.

I will be learning Italian from scratch so you would have the greater challenge. I will correct the very few errors in your English and I would be grateful if you could correct however many errors are made by the online translator so I would be sure that I am learning the correct phrasing and sentence structure.

Sarò imparare Imparerò l'italiano da zero in modo così che avrebbe la maggiore sfida la sfida sarà maggiore.
Vorrei Correggerò i pochi errori nella tua lingua inglese e Le sarei grato se potesse ti sarei grato se tu potessi correggere i numerosi errori da parte del traduttore online così vorrei da poter essere certo che sto io stia (conditional) imparando la corretta formulazione e struttura della frase.
“Le sarei grato se potesse …” is correct, but it is the polite form
In english “you” means you and thou.
It’s strange how Italians believe that all english spoken people don’t use the polite form, but say “thou” to anybody.
The truth is that English people use the polite form with everyone ‘cause thou is not used anymore!!!
So, in my mind (even if I know) I don’t use the polite form to you and to any one in this forum because in Italy the polite form is never used between friends (it would sound like you want to keep the distance…)
(I think you have the greatest challenge…)

You will see that I have already opened a discussion called “Giovanna & Ron” although, at the time of writing, I haven’t yet put anything into it.

Vedrete Vedrai che ho già aperto una discussione chiamata "Giovanna & Ron", anche se, al momento di scrivere, non ho ancora messo nulla in lui.

I will do so as soon as I have gone through your comments. I also have Skype (my Skype name is rontocknell). If you also have Skype, it would be a useful way of correcting pronunciation. But, for me, it will be some time before I am ready for that stage.

Vorrei farlo non appena sono andato attraverso i vostri avrò letto i tuoi commenti. Ho anche Skype (il mio nome utente Skype è rontocknell). Se hai anche Skype, sarebbe un utile modo di correggere la pronuncia. Ma, per me, sarà ci vorrà un po' di tempo prima che io sono sia pronto per questa fase.

Sorry, I don't use Skype because it doesn't work on Millennium Operating System. I have no money to buy another O.S., but this summer I will arrange an old PC with XP or Linux.
Mi spiace, non uso Skype perchè non funziona su ME O.S. Non ho soldi per comprare un altro O.S., ma questa estate accomoderò un vecchio PC con XP o Linux.
Ciao, ciao!
Comment by Ron Tocknell on August 7, 2009 at 3:22pm
Hello, Giovanna. Thank you for making an immediate start.

Ciao, Giovanna. Grazie per aver scelto di fare l'avvio immediato.

I am using an online translator, which are not always reliable. Some are better than others. Perhaps you could correct any errors for me also.

Sto usando un traduttore online, che non sono sempre affidabili. Alcuni sono migliori di altri. Forse si potrebbe correggere eventuali errori anche per me.

I think the best way to start is to open a discussion called “Giovanna & Ron” where we exchange messages in an open forum so that others can also offer help if they wish.

Penso che il modo migliore per cominciare è quello di aprire una discussione chiamato "Giovanna & Ron" dove lo scambio di messaggi in un forum aperto in modo che gli altri possono anche offrire un aiuto, se lo desiderano.

Fortunately, your English is very good so it will make it easier for both of us as we have a common language in which we can communicate.

Fortunatamente, il vostro inglese è molto buona in modo da rendere più facile sia per noi come noi di avere un linguaggio comune in cui si può comunicare.

I will be learning Italian from scratch so you would have the greater challenge. I will correct the very few errors in your English and I would be grateful if you could correct however many errors are made by the online translator so I would be sure that I am learning the correct phrasing and sentence structure.

Sarò imparare l'italiano da zero in modo che avrebbe la maggiore sfida. Vorrei correggere i pochi errori nella tua lingua inglese e Le sarei grato se potesse correggere numerosi errori da parte del traduttore online così vorrei essere certo che sto imparando la corretta formulazione e struttura della frase.

You will see that I have already opened a discussion called “Giovanna & Ron” although, at the time of writing, I haven’t yet put anything into it.

Vedrete che ho già aperto una discussione chiamato "Giovanna & Ron", anche se, al momento di scrivere, non ho ancora messo nulla in lui.

I will do so as soon as I have gone through your comments. I also have Skype (my Skype name is rontocknell). If you also have Skype, it would be a useful way of correcting pronunciation. But, for me, it will be some time before I am ready for that stage.

Vorrei farlo non appena sono andato attraverso i vostri commenti. Ho anche Skype (il mio nome utente Skype è rontocknell). Se hai anche Skype, sarebbe un utile modo di correggere la pronuncia. Ma, per me, sarà un po 'di tempo prima che io sono pronto per questa fase.

Thank you, Giovanna for this opportunity.

Grazie, Giovanna per questa opportunità.

Comment by giovanna marino on August 7, 2009 at 11:08am
Ciao, mi chiamo Giovanna e mi sono iscritta a questo sito solo qualche giorno fa.
Hello, my name is Giovanna and I signed up just few days ago.
Mi hai fatto proprio ridere, Ron, leggendo "how does..." e "the illogical...",
I was laughing very much, Ron, reading "how does..." e "the illogical...",
anche se non ho capito proprio tutto perchè sono Italiana,
even if I didn't understand all because I'm Italian Mother Tongue.
Mi è piaciuta la tua speculazione mentale sulle lettere mute
I appreciated your speculation about silent letters
E pensare che da quando avevo 12 anni sono innamorata della lingua inglese
Thinking I loved english since I was 12
proprio perchè ha un suono così rotondo, soffice, affascinante,
because it has a so round, smooth, fascinating sound....
In italiano ci sono poche lettere mute e poche regole di fonia
In Italian there are few silent letters & few phonia rules.
A volte risulta piuttosto scialbo benchè sia una bella lingua...
now and then it sounds pale even if it is a nice language.
Vuoi imparare l'italiano?
Do you want to learn Italian?
Tu mi correggerai il mio inglese!
You will rectify my english!
Io penso che ogni lingua esprima delle sensazioni diverse
I think every language express differet emotions
perchè dietro ad ogni parola c'è una cultura e una storia
because behind each word there is a culture and a history
e dietro ad ogni cultura c'è un nuovo mondo di pensieri da scoprire
and behind each colture there is a new world of thoughts to discover.
Io ti posso dire i miei e tu i tuoi!
I can tell you mine and U yours.
Comment by mitch gold on July 30, 2009 at 7:34pm
After I learned PO - so many more things made sense to me - the logic of - yoiu are either with me or against me (George Bush) - and many other limiting beliefs are no longer the challenge. PO works great with ESL - having used it in conversation cafes for over 8 years. It is now the "key" word for the World Peace Posse. I trust we can all see the value of PO


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