Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Ruth Garbus
  • Female
  • Woodstock, NY
  • United States
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Ruth Garbus's Friends

  • Jesus
  • Mr. Mike
  • Elisabetta Errani Emaldi
  • Dan Millstein
  • Ron Alexander
  • Arne Jin An Wong
  • Kweku Brian Avell
  • Heloiza Averbuck
  • Luix Saldaña
  • Leonard G. Horowitz
  • LightEye
  • Jody Cortez and Daniel Whitfield
  • Heli Aarniranta
  • LeslieAnn Butler
  • Ernesto Rafael Vega

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Ruth Garbus's Blog

John O'Donohue quotation

Ron, that is a beautiful quotation. Thank you (ie grateful to you for posting it.)

Posted on June 3, 2009 at 6:20am

On Gratitude

Thank you dear Silja for your response to my entry on gratitude.

I am grateful for your words. Be well, and enjoy your practice of Gratitude.


Posted on May 14, 2009 at 7:29am

experience with gratitude

Dear Friends,

I awakened early with great anxiety. Feelings of loneliness and separation overwhelmed me. Then I remembered to write my gratitude. Start Gratitude, a practice of mental cleansing. All of the heaviness I felt lifted, and suddenly I felt as if I could cope. All of my despair over recent losses and anticipated losses disappeared, with the practice of gratitude....I am grateful for the love in my life; the is a time to develop gratitude and finish projects,… Continue

Posted on May 14, 2009 at 4:15am — 2 Comments

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At 9:54pm on July 6, 2009, LeslieAnn Butler said…
You are sweet! I didn't know anyone visited my blog. I need to post things more often but it gets so busy around here!
At 12:38pm on June 19, 2009, Andy Murphy said…
Hi Ruth - Wanted - even belatedly - to acknowledge your thoughtful kind and welcoming words. I'm delighted to meet you in just this way. Be well and be happy....Andy
At 9:36am on June 15, 2009, Elisabetta Errani Emaldi said…
Dear Ruth here three of my poetries for you!!!

Lotus of divine light

I sow love in desert fields,
and here
as if by magic,
from my heart blooms
a lotus of divine light,
that vibrates of Universal love

Three white doves

Three white doves
fly away
against the sun,
while you work in fields
watered by honour
flowered of

Mandala of lights

From the stellar ocean, among waves of
memories a Mandala of fire appears:
unconscious esoteric signs, messages,
that sow illumination
on the ploughed fields
of the mental Universe
At 3:09am on June 15, 2009, Heli Aarniranta said…
Please to meet and connect.Bless:-)

Summer greetings from Helsinki Finland.
May the midsummer coming be blissful.
At 3:55pm on June 14, 2009, Elisabetta Errani Emaldi said…
Hello Ruth, nice meeting you!!!!
Greetings from Italy,

At 5:23am on June 12, 2009, Sylvia said…
Hi Ruth,
thanks for your offer to help the BIG HUG to become real.
For the moment the best you can do is spreading the word around.
The event is for all humans in the world and I think we need a lot of time to inform every one to participate.
Money is not needed if we put our love and intention of ONENESS into it. And if all human see the power we have as ONE, we can make incredible co-creations fpr the best of all.
Please let me know your email, so I can send you the official presentation of BIG HUG and you could send it to all of your friends.
And it would be very nice to welcome you at where the english speakers are gathering.
Please let me know if you have friends who are spanish speakers, because I can send you the presentation als o in spanish.

Thanks for your power and positive intentions
Light and unconditional love
At 5:18am on May 14, 2009, Silja Saareoks-Kaldre said…

Dear Ruth, thank you for your blog post and for all your contribution on the way of eternal development.
At 10:45am on April 15, 2009, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hi Ruth!
Well, I'm not sure about our hair being directly related to our emotional states -- in this case, alopecia, it's genetically caused, an autoimmune disorder. So at best, it could be something from a past life or an experience that was chosen for soul growth. Some people are born with alopecia and some people develop it later in life. It's a frustrating and mysterious condition.
At 8:58am on April 15, 2009, Heloiza Averbuck said…
Hello Ruth,
Lovely meeting you here! :)
Peace and Light,

At 7:11am on April 15, 2009, Ron Alexander said…
I have been meeting several light-filled new friends from Woodstock here lately. Maria Sofia (Marion) and Josh (with baby) were met at the Meher Baba Center. Wayne, I met at the Unity Church, and he also enjoys the Baba Center, while visiting his Mom near Myrtle Beach. And of course, I have great memories of Woodstock Concert, though only through film and photos. I was at the next big one near Atlanta. Peace, Ron




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