"Pay as little attention to discouragement as possible. Plough ahead as a steamer does, rough or smooth - rain or shine. To carry your cargo and make your port is the
point. "
Maltbie Davenport Babcock
What a great quote to put up on a mirror and read every day! There are
a lot of them! We have the kids write these kinds of quotes for their
penmanship work. The rain in Spain…
Added by Tiffany Al-Anzi on February 28, 2010 at 3:46pm —
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Watching meet the press this morning it dawned on me that dejavu is a true fact in Politics and in every other area of our lives, we may not always recognize it but TV Programs and the Internet will assuredly remind us of the things that we do know to be true, this morning I watched Eric Cantor spew the same old policy line of Republicans in the exact same way that he did Thursday morning at the Healthcare Summit at Blair House, I am convinced now that this guy in even less than an empty suit,…
Added by Darwin Phillips on February 28, 2010 at 9:53am —
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Overwhelming demurer captivating my imagination again I dissolve in my resolve to rectify my return from obscurity. Preferring dancing on the clouds and shouting premises out loud to confusions, illusions of extreme majestic proportions. But here I am culpable and understanding undemanding and unreachable in my detectable discerning manner of blatant rekindled hog banter.
Added by David Hauser on February 28, 2010 at 8:53am —
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Precious Gifts of God
Precious Gifts of God
Come from the meeting
Of the Absolute Reality
To this Now Moment
Listening to the Call
Of the Holy Vessel of Light
A Truth that can Experience
Holding Nothing but the True Presence
The Sacred Hope is Alive
With Each Silent Meeting
Of the Soul and it’s Source
Words Whispered
Echo the Promise Given
To Each Pilgrim on the Path
The World Wakens…
Added by cindy paulos on February 28, 2010 at 8:16am —
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Added by jb on February 28, 2010 at 7:49am —
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Hello beautiful people, lets celebrate the year of the Tiger and the Memory of our beloved Michael Jackson
just add me into your skype nanci.cunha and lets have fun,
Lets be the changes that we want to see, the time is always now.
This is It group
All the L.O.V.E
Added by nanci cunha on February 27, 2010 at 4:27pm —
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Te pot face sa zambesti?
Oare, pot face ceva sa iti aduc un zambet pe fata ta? Sunt mic dar vreau sa iti spun ca te iubesc si ca dupa ce ma vei
primi, o sa poti simti in inima ta o schimbare, o sa… |
Added by Gabriela Ene on February 27, 2010 at 11:15am —
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Precarious offering jewel
Bedazzling any fool
Acceptation a risk
Illusions and bliss
Examining individual clues
Precious delectable gift
Given intangible kiss
No coaxing apparent
Offering stillness inherent
Riding a integral wish
Jewels always so rare
Require exceptional care
Dancing within stars
Each fateful bazaar
Music enchanted in thin air
Added by David Hauser on February 27, 2010 at 8:30am —
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True prosperity represents well-being in all areas of our lives. We know men and women are different, but we didn’t know one particular difference affects their prosperity attraction quotient.
Ellie Drake of BraveHeartWomen and Dr. Sugar Singleton hosted a teleconference that was as riveting as informative in its explanation of what they call the prosperity hormones of men and women. More information will be offered here, but one of the most obvious means to see and feel this…
Added by Joyce Shafer on February 27, 2010 at 4:52am —
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This is THE time to get clear about what you want so you know what to aim at. Here’s a simple technique that helps you do this AND expand your magnetic energy.
Whatever you desire does not have to be important to others, only to you.
You know what you want in the areas of work, finance, family, personal development, spiritual development, social and intimate relationships, fun, and health. Or, maybe you sort of know what you want.
One way to amp up your energy…
Added by Joyce Shafer on February 27, 2010 at 4:38am —
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Concepts about Give and Receive influence your choices and outcomes. Misunderstood or misconstrued concepts can lead to frustration.
The prevalent statement about this is, “It is better to give than receive.” It’s repeated so often and in such a way, most people don’t feel they have a right (or a reason) to stop and ponder it. It causes some people to over-give or give inappropriately—more often their energy and time than a tangible, and may also block their ability to…
Added by Joyce Shafer on February 27, 2010 at 4:33am —
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Added by David Hoffman on February 27, 2010 at 1:42am —
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The Astro-Sage
Looking at the Climate for March 2010...
“The cosmos is a vast living body, of which we are still parts. The sun is a great heart whose tremors run through our smallest veins. The moon is a great nerve center from which we quiver forever. Who knows the power that… Continue
Added by Chris Anderson/Onefeather on February 27, 2010 at 12:48am —
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Added by Sperry Andrews on February 26, 2010 at 10:42pm —
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Hello My Friends... Just letting you know about an important event which we all must be a part of... Please Read On...LIVE On The FYI Global Networks....
Added by Digital Publishing Entertainment on February 26, 2010 at 9:16pm —
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What a l o n g strange trip its been, indeed!
Just getting a computer a bit together (computer crashed and bit it in 10/09 after limping along last year, adding dysfunctions as it went..), movin' slow, but slowly movin'!
I've nearly been knocked 'outa-here' a few times, or so it has seemed
to some various bungling predators, linear oddities barging in with backing and props, intent upon interjecting with their own con-tent......
Fended off a few… Continue
Added by GAchin on February 26, 2010 at 8:36pm —
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I am listening right now to Micheal Steele on CNN, it's Hilarious ! this clown thinks that he knows what Americans want, the very same claim his cohorts tried to substantiate yesterday as they were being taken apart by our President with cool, calm, and measured strokes, they all try to threaten that if the Democrats move to reconcilliation there will be hell to pay next year, (Chuckle) what these idiots can't fathom is that once this is done people will be so very entirely happy and…
Added by Darwin Phillips on February 26, 2010 at 3:21pm —
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spread the love and peace in all you do, let your light shine in the darkest moments
Added by james harrison hicks on February 26, 2010 at 2:49pm —
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I spent my 50th Birthday on February 10th embracing Carlos' light at the Joint in Las Vegas,
the room filled with Love and emotion... Raw and pure Love...the state of excitment and the closeness
of Family and friends. What an amazing Life !
Added by Nonalisa Reynoso on February 26, 2010 at 1:54pm —
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Illuminated spheres bobbing rhythmically in midnight’s oceans
Captured by currents mingling each dance of delightful emotions
Revolving concentrically consensually and sensually embracing
Moments engraved in waters rising designs nature ever tasting
Tripping lights fantastic delirious frantic climbing expanding waves
Increments of tenderness topping each peak exhibiting fine displays
Ebbs flows mindlessly dictate where effervesce innocents must…
Added by David Hauser on February 26, 2010 at 1:54pm —
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