Hitch your Soul to a Shining Star
Hitch your Heart to Love
Let the Light find you wherever you are
And Give thanks for the Truth that’s guided you this far
Even through the Hardest times
There’s blessings that come each day
God Grant you the Presence
That guides you on the way
And frees you to be who you are
Life is a Miracle that Let’s you dream
So be careful how you choose
And Grace is the Power
That more than what it…
Added by cindy paulos on November 22, 2010 at 8:38am —
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CRYSTAL CLEAR INTENTIONSBe crystal clear about what it is you desires and intentions
Focus upon what you truly desire with unwavering trust and conviction. It is important to get yourself completely clear on what you desire to create in your world. The more clear you become, the stronger the vibration that you put out to the…
Added by Sharon Taphorn on November 22, 2010 at 7:35am —
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Renee Coltson with the Camels in Australia

“You will find that animals feel the frequencies and don’t think about it! They demonstrate the registers, just as humans do and they remember the healing experience! Reconnective Healing can be done with any animal that needs assistance. It has also been demonstrated…
Added by Shamshir Rai Luthra & Friends on November 21, 2010 at 11:00pm —
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Return to Love
Return to Love and all the Promises it holds.
Return to the Soul and the Divine Presence
That holds the Chalice of the Holy Spirit.
Return to the Place of Silence Within
And be Baptized by the Light That Burns
With the power of the One.
And Breathe in the Promise of the Gift that you are.
And listen for the Direction that will guide you
To be on the Path of Peace.
Soft the Stirrings of Love that asks to…
Added by cindy paulos on November 21, 2010 at 9:47am —
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Focusing on the opposite of what you desire is like aiming at a tree rather than at the target then feeling frustrated that you did not hit the bulls-eye. You know, we all do this at times.
How often we say we desire something then put a great many of our thoughts on what is opposite of what will help us achieve, attain, accomplish, allow, or open to receive it more effortlessly.
I wrote receive it more effortlessly because we create quite a struggle for ourselves when our…
Added by Joyce Shafer on November 21, 2010 at 9:21am —
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You are stronger than you think you are, and your strength assures a happy outcome.
See yourself as strong and victorious. Don't complain about anything. Don't blame anyone or any condition. You're the embodiment of strength, not victim-hood. As you rise above the old tendencies and see yourself in the new light of beautiful…
Added by Sharon Taphorn on November 21, 2010 at 7:46am —
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Added by Shamshir Rai Luthra & Friends on November 20, 2010 at 11:00pm —
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Love Beyond reasons
Let the Reasons for Love
Just be to Love
For Love Is Beyond Reasons.
And by just being and always coming back to
Inner love in the outer Being,
We can go beyond all reasons
And Move from the Mind
Into the Hearts Home
For as the Soul Finds its Roots strong within the Heart
Love finds the One Way
That is beyond all separation and Division.
Beyond all the Hurt and Betrayal.
And with the Power of the…
Added by cindy paulos on November 20, 2010 at 8:47am —
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CELEBRATE YOUR PROGRESS"The Angels say that today is about celebrating who you are and how far you have come"
Take some time to celebrate who you are and the transformations and expansions you have made on your journey. It isn't always an easy task to be in a human process, yet the joy, rewards, and expansion that you have experienced as a soul has been…
Added by Sharon Taphorn on November 20, 2010 at 6:53am —
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Congratulations to SED alum, Dr. Shabbi Luthra, inaugural winner of…
Added by Shamshir Rai Luthra & Friends on November 19, 2010 at 11:00pm —
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The greatest gifts have been given to You
Bless them
And Recognize the Blessings they Bring
There is no Power in Pretending
What you are not
So accept what you are
And let it be revealed to you
And those in your Life
Remove the veil from your eyes
And see the Wonder of Creations work
So you can give thanks for Being
And this gratitude is the Way
You can be aware of the many Blessings
That you…
Added by cindy paulos on November 19, 2010 at 8:28am —
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UNDERSTANDING YOURSELFSelf awareness is the foundation on which to build 
From self awareness we build healthy, strong relationships, friendships and work. Understanding your personality is a basis for understanding your spiritual self, your emotional self and your physical self. It helps you to understand why you chose to do an…
Added by Sharon Taphorn on November 19, 2010 at 7:22am —
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'Ramaa - The Saviour' - This Friday Night Bollywood will see a movie which is unconventional, stylish, and refreshing! It stars Sahil Khan, who emerges in an all new…
Added by Shamshir Rai Luthra & Friends on November 18, 2010 at 11:00pm —
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The souls song
The Hopes of the Heart
Beckons the Souls song
The Light of the Universe
Is alive in the One
The Sweet Doorway you’ll find
To the Diamond within
Is entered in silence
It’s magnet does bring
The moment we find the Voice inside
The Promise it whispers
Will never die
It brings the memory of eternal Love
And leads us to find the light from above
Are you listening my friend
Can you stop and…
Added by cindy paulos on November 18, 2010 at 8:32am —
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DETACH FROM DRAMAView life as a movie that you know will have a happy ending
Or at the very least, an ending that is resolved with the best, highest possible outcome. Have compassion for everyone and everything, yet do not get pulled into the energy of the drama or let it pull you down in any way. As you begin to focus on the positive, you will attract a…
Added by Sharon Taphorn on November 18, 2010 at 7:31am —
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DETACH FROM DRAMAView life as a movie that you know will have a happy ending
Or at the very least, an ending that is resolved with the best, highest possible outcome. Have compassion for everyone and everything, yet do not get pulled into the energy of the drama or let it pull you down in any way. As you begin to focus on the positive, you will attract a…
Added by Sharon Taphorn on November 18, 2010 at 7:31am —
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“Working together is expected of our linguistic, communal or caste identities.
It will make us strong and true strength is…
Added by Shamshir Rai Luthra & Friends on November 17, 2010 at 11:00pm —
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An Evening of Adventure Part 2!
Special guest Patrick Giguere spent the summer living in the Colorado wilderness, exploring the high country and bonding with nature. Now he's back in civilization and has returned…
Added by Chris Anderson/Onefeather on November 17, 2010 at 8:36pm —
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Let Loves Blessings
Let Loves blessings Be with You
To take away your fear
May Loves blessings Shine through you
To show the Light that’s there
Let this Light Reveal to you
The work that you can do
To simply Heal the Darkness
That hides inside of You
Let Loves Blessings Bring You Peace
And Let you find a Way
To bring this Peace into your Work
And what you do today
Your Heart knows all the Answers
Added by cindy paulos on November 17, 2010 at 8:46am —
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CREATING SACRED SPACESAngel wisdom suggest that creating sacred spaces wherever you are is important
Everywhere you are is a sacred space. Creating Sacred space assists in keeping yourself in balance and connected to Mother Earth, and feeling the unconditional love that can be shared.
Begin by creating sacred space in your home. Build an alter,…
Added by Sharon Taphorn on November 17, 2010 at 7:45am —
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