The Song of the Universe
As you sit in Silence
The Sound of the Universe Sings
Each Breath Confirms our Being
And Accompanies the Hymns of Life
Each Blessed Angel has a Song that sings of Love
Can you Hear the Music of your own Creation
As the Earth sings in harmony with the Universe
each bird Sings its thoughts
and each Whale calls forth its Song
Each wavelength of Energy
Is alive in radiant Rainbows of…
Added by cindy paulos on November 4, 2010 at 9:56am —
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ARCHANGEL RAPHAELI bring to you healing and abundance.
I can help you to develop your intuition and strengthen your inner vision. Call upon me if you need help in any of these areas now.
If you are healer or wish to become one, I will direct pure divine energy to you and through you. Healers are more than hands on…
Added by Sharon Taphorn on November 4, 2010 at 9:22am —
1 Comment
("Athletics tracks finish line" by Petey21)
« Marimbariation » takes its name from the brief passage featuring the marimba that leads this seventh movement of the « Symphony of Eights. »
Once the percussive instrument concludes its opening…
Added by Christopher Stewart on November 4, 2010 at 8:00am —
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("Nixie eight" by L. Marie)
How on Earth can a musical movement be named « Progigoriation » you ask ? Well, obviously, because it's the prog rock variation of another similar movement entitled « Igorchestral » I emphatically reply.…
Added by Christopher Stewart on November 3, 2010 at 12:00pm —
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POSITIVE ENERGYYou are sensitive to the energy that surrounds you.
Angel wisdom recommends that you go on a negativity diet at this time. This means avoiding negative or harsh influences, both internally and externally at this time. Avoid negative discussions with yourself and others. Avoid pessimistic programs, people and things. Avoid foods that are…
Added by Sharon Taphorn on November 3, 2010 at 7:52am —
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Happy Autumn mia…
Added by Chris Anderson/Onefeather on November 2, 2010 at 1:47pm —
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("behind the eight ball" by eschipul)
The next segment of « Octoccata » is entitled « Reoctoverture. » Basically, this section is a reprise of the introduction, hence the name, as it restates the theme presented therein, albeit…
Added by Christopher Stewart on November 2, 2010 at 12:30pm —
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Listen in Silence
Without knowing
Listen in Faith
trusting the answers
are waiting to be revealed
Listen in Love
For the Blessings of the Holy Word
For there are answers in every Moment
Every expression of God
Is revealing secrets
All of Life is a Secret
Coming to Life
A thought coming into being
Allow the Mind to be Open to the lessons
That come in so many myriad…
Added by cindy paulos on November 2, 2010 at 9:50am —
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Spend some time near water, such as a lake, river, or the ocean.
This will recharge and energize you. Drink plenty of fresh clean or filtered water. as this too will recharge and energize you. Water offers wonderful cleansing benefits, outside and inside of your beautiful physical vessels, which are made up of mostly water. Water is a conductor and allows for the angels to connect with the humans in a stronger way, it…
Added by Sharon Taphorn on November 2, 2010 at 8:33am —
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LIFE2 Model (3.pdfI produced this flow chart as a mathematical graph in which there is age and fulfillment .
our objective is finding the love supreme that is more than satisfation each passage is indicated with arrows.
It may seem very artigianal it's mine indeed.
it shows that fulfillment is away from drugs and from violence to other people.
I wait for your comments and…
Added by Lorenzo Abbiati on November 2, 2010 at 2:51am —
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It happens to listen to a song and hear mistakes never heard before
listening to background parts never heard before
your sense of criticism is growing
you understand words not catched before
you confront with different parts
you improve, you progress
you have the humilty
you are here to listen
Added by Lorenzo Abbiati on November 2, 2010 at 12:00am —
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The Wild Self Manifesto was created by Gino Dante Borges ~ Doctor of Philosophy
1. I believe my "wild self" is where untapped energy is born.... imagination grows... intuition is heard... spiritual work is done.
2. I allow play... wonder...curiosity...laughter... into my life everyday... knowing that without their presence... i am not me and others cannot know me ...
3. I know that a physical... raw... conscious... moving... presence in the natural… Continue
Added by Sherri on November 1, 2010 at 7:39pm —
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More subtle than ear buds leaking hard rock from ipod nanos at the gym, clearer than the dopplered sirens bouncing off faceless mirrors downtown, longer-lasting than NASA's footprints on the moon is the echo of our true song in eternity. Like the celebratory howls of wolves at a new, much needed victory over winter's deprivations, the universe resonates and roars with true music - like calling to like in joy and defiance of the cold silence that circles and ensorcels us all.
Added by Daryl Eicher on November 1, 2010 at 10:54am —
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("8" by gui.tavares)
The fourth movement from « Octoccata » is entitled « Biorhythalead. » Its title came about from the markers I used to identify each of the sub-sections of the composition.
After a transition…
Added by Christopher Stewart on November 1, 2010 at 10:30am —
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Behold the Infinite Possibilites
On the Many ways to Be.
When you Hold your Being you Hold Spirit
Which is the greatest light. This light is Eternal
And lives in your Soul.
When you hold Spirit it Lives within your
Momentary Form in the Power of Now.
The more Faith you have in this amazing energy of being
The More you Open the Door and Allow it to Be.
Give it Room to Grow.
Let it find Roots
Added by cindy paulos on November 1, 2010 at 9:21am —
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INTENTIONSYour intentions create your experiences
What do you intend to happen? Where are your current thoughts, as your thoughts and your feelings about that which you desire mirror what happens next. Whatever you expect to happen are the seeds of your intention. Your angel guidance is to choose and infuse your intentions. See yourself and others as…
Added by Sharon Taphorn on November 1, 2010 at 6:46am —
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