Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

a love caravan is getting started, will you be with them?

Please read the following message carefully and decide if you would like to
become a messenger of LOVE and PEACE as well. It depends on us
how many people will be informed about what's going on. Copy the text,
send it to your friends and acquaintances, post it on other sites, use
your networking capabilities so everyone can participate in this event
- if not in person, let's join in SPIRIT and spread the message that
it's TIME to ACT for PEACE!.

Remember - we are ONE - we are connected - we are LOVE and LIGHT and PEACE if
we choose so ...

Latin American crusade - Open Invitation

Uniting frontiers for PEACE on our Planet

Expanding Consciousness in UNITY

As World Peace has not been achieved by any organization or corporation
yet, we have decided that it is time to make a united effort to spread
universal Love, Light and Peace in our World.

As a first step we founded NETWORKS of PEACE, a Non Governmental
Organization (NGO), which is aided by the foundation La Banca Territorial

In the face of the growing impact of global warming and demographic
changes on our planet and the resulting paradigm shift, we have decided
to call this Organization into life, inviting everyone, people of all
the different social classes, to affiliate themselves to a March through
Latin America
which will start out on March 24, 2010, Day of
Justice, Memory and Pardon, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, until
reaching Mexico
. Thus, we will march through Bolivia,
Perú, Ecuador,
Colombia, Panamá ...

Networks of Peace activates and promotes this big Caravan for Peace
through Latin America manifesting from Spirit
Source creating a route
of connection and integration of Peace in a confluence of conscience,
spreading Love, Peace and Light throughout the whole world, in order to
contribute to the AWAKENING of Mankind.

Mario Cannas, who dedicates all his time to sperading Christ message and
cosnciousness in
this new time, is guided in this gesture of Peace uniting events
(conferences, reunions, brotherhoods in all the different places) which
act as initiators of light.

We, the organization Networks of Peace, hope that this call will resonate
within many, opening doorways
to facilitate the meeting of nations.

If you are part of any type of institution, media, press, company or group or
if you simply
want to help us, this is what you can do:

* Call on everyone along the route to go outside and join us in this Big
Spiritual Crusade for Peace
* Receive us along the way, organizing a place for a talk or conference
* Provide logistic help
* Spread the word in whatever way you can think of to help activate Human
Consciousness, to help Mankind wake up

* Donations:

Banco Nación de la
República Argentina, office Mosconi
Recipient: Armando Mario Cannas
CBU 0110101630010100598047
SWIFT, NACNARBA CBU 0110101630010100598047

Dear brohters and sisters, we need your help on our way through Latin
America in order to manifest the Light, Peace and Universal LOVE not
only here but throughout the world.

We are looking forward to your participation …

Mario Cannas


PLEASE SPREAD THE MESSAGE so everyone can participate if not physically, so at
least in SPIRIT!
As I translated this text, it depends on us how many people will gain knowledge
and be informed!


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Comment by Sylvia on February 15, 2010 at 1:17pm
Hi Lorenzo,
great to know that you are with us.
a suuuuper big hug for you.
and though we ar all one, you are not far away anymore.
lots of love and peace
Comment by Lorenzo Abbiati on February 14, 2010 at 3:13pm
Surely a big force of salvation for the world is going beyond politics and governments.
politics represent the top of civilization but could leave the civilization t5o the bottom.
climate change and other social problems "fucks" the politics.
I will be with you with my spirit being very distant phisically.
Good luck and best 4 you-s


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