Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

You are so much more then you body and mind.
You are the Living Essence of your Soul, which holds your true eternal identity.

It is at the core of your being and it holds the pure light that can connect you to the very Source of Creation.

When you are still and open to receive it you can call upon the Soul to calm you and direct you and to guide you.

You can indeed, “Ask, and ye shall Receive, Knock and the Door will be opened unto you”.The Principles of the Highest power ask only that you use this energy for the highest good. You have this amazing Power within you. You are so much more than the tiny portion that is used to function with every day. The Eternal Light of the Soul and the love that is from the Divine Heart of God is waiting there for you to use.

Breathe it in, Call upon it, believe in it and you will find an untapped resource that is there for you to use.

And when you learn to connect with your soul and go to the Place of Light and Love within you, will find that your life is working in

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Comment by Lorenzo Abbiati on February 22, 2011 at 9:22pm

yes Lara, we use only a tiny portion of god's power, we are living connecting to try and discover this untapped resources.

we have got to be ready to be directed by the soul. yes we will be calmed in pursuing vanities but we'll be also given extrasensorial straordinary powers in order to connect withot boundaries like "plasma" with no damping factors.

we'll be healing illnes without pharmacological aid but simply with compassion and goodness.

Theese days are not far, soon we'll be able to do that shift.

Always the best, hope we'll continue this cyrle of co-inspiration 



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