We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.
What did Jesus accomplish and what does it mean for the world and It's people.He came to set people free from the bondage of sin. When you make Jesus your Lord and savior, and believe in your heart he died for your sin, and rose from the dead, there is a transaction that takes place. We are baptized in His death, and raised in His resurrection confess with your mouth Jesus saved you and it is made unto salvation, and receive a new nature the old has passed away and He is doing a new thing in you. And you become one unified with Jesus, and the spirit which comes from the Father.This man Jesus sacrificed everything for us, in life, in death, and the hereafter. That is supreme love, and the highest and purest and ultimate act of love toward humanity.You, whoever you are, were created for a purpose in an divine appointment to...be...here...now to receive a supreme gift of salvation by your faith, through the grace of God who performed it. And now the only thing left is the testing of that faith through a walk with God, in the covenant God made with you.I pray whoever is reading this may the Holy Spirit do a work on their heart, and show them the truth, in the salvation in Jesus Christ.You are chosen by God, to be, and do, and work for the betterment of good for His glory and His Kingdom, to plant seed on the good soil in people's hearts and invest in people and then the harvest.There is nothing too hard for God He makes the ordinary extrordanary He makes the impposible possible.All we must do is believe, obtain supreme love, for it will never fail.Get to know this God, not a building, not in people, not in laws and regulations, but a personal intimate relationship with The Most High through what HE did for you at the cross."If my people that are called by name shall repent and turn from sin, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin, and heal their land." -Our Father in heaven. Carlos is right we are meaningful and significant fearfully and wonderfully made we are shinning lights in a dark world and through love and peace through Jesus we can change the world. Namaste!
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