Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Today a woman came to my door and handed me a flyer and invited me to attend an annual congregational event held at the Tacoma Dome convention center in Washington State. The headline on the flyer read, “How Can You Survive The End Of the World.”

This topic seemed so odd to me that I decide to write something in rebuttal about it. If the world were to end, that would mean no one would survive. So, why focus on this possibility? What could any of us possibly do about it? So perhaps what they were presenting is the idea of an after life, or that someone or something will come to save them, in any case the flyer continued and said “ Keep in Expectation, and, A State of Watchfulness.”

Life is very precious to me and I am so grateful to be alive. What an amazing planet we live on. I can’t fathom that I would spend any part of my day thinking about or preparing for the end to come. It seems we are all going to leave this planet, and only the Source knows the day and hour. To my knowledge we cannot escape this.

I think it normal and healthy to question life, too ask, Who am I?, Where did I come from? and Where will I go when I leave this planet? Although I do not know with any certainty where I will go, the vision I choose to embrace is comforting. In this comfort, I hold a space of faith and trust.

I am not of the mindset that the world is going to end any time soon. There are many who refer to the Mayan calendar prediction that on December 21, 2012 the world will end, or, Biblical passages in Revelations of the signs of the end times. For sure the world is presenting some of these, in catastrophic events, unrest growing daily around the world, the threat of terrorism mounts, bad news increases, while good news is increasingly scarce.

The Bible also foretells a time of world peace, happiness, abundance and universal prosperity. Many may think there is no hope for this world—but there is! Wonderful good news lies beyond today’s bad news.

The dictionary definition of revelation is: “The act of revealing or disclosing; something revealed, especially a dramatic disclosure of something not previously known or realized.”

I do see these mass changes happening all over the world as a sign that the world is in the midst of a profound awakening. In my lifetime I have seen amazing progress on all fronts. What we once believed to be truth no longer is true. In its place a new understanding has unfolded.

We are letting go of all the old ways of being, either willingly or not, and, in all transformation the process can look very chaotic and disturbing. The old expression, “out of the ashes rises the phoenix”, holds true for the time were are living in. First, that which no longer serves crumbles and falls away and in its place something new is born.

If only a small percentage of us hold a vision of world peace, happiness, abundance and universal prosperity, like it says in the Bible, if we have the faith of a grain of a mustard seed, amazing things can happen. I believe we are seeing amazing things happening. Today through television, most of the world has access to Oprah Winfrey, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Gregg Braden, Bruce Bueno de Mesquitahis, and so many more who inform and invite us to see the world and ourselves differently. They remind us of who we truly are, teach us that we can, and do create our realities, and in this knowledge tell us that no one has any power over us unless we give it to them. Because we get to choose what we believe, we then live and die by our beliefs.

I believe we are connected to the Source, perhaps as some say we are holographic images of this Source which I call God. In the Bible it is said, “God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” However this is interpreted I believe we all have access to this Source, and at the soul level we are all equal. We may have each chosen different human circumstance and lives that do not look equal, and so it makes it difficult to know this truth. In spite of this we are fortunate to be living in a time when we have so much more information that is opening, freeing and forgiving.

Our world can look complex and is always presenting us with opportunities of growth and to see life differently, to change our mind and in the process free our selves from our past history. The World is always in flux and the threat of the end times has presented itself over and over in human history. Each time the world did end and a new phase unfolded. What if, just what if, this is really what is happening?
Nameste~ Charlene

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Comment by Silja Saareoks-Kaldre on June 25, 2009 at 11:21am
The life does change
But the World will stay
The time may end
Yet the Earth remains

Once we'll get it all done
We may choose to go on
In harmonious way
Just as bright as the day

There are places to be
And the worlds yet unseen
Just to fallow the dreams
That does make our hart feel
Comment by Ron Alexander on June 25, 2009 at 11:14am
I remember about 15 to 20 years ago, a very distinguished looking, well dressed, well spoken Englishman went around California selling his book and giving workshops how "soon most of the state of California would be virtually destroyed by earthquake(s). He was advising people to get groups together to discuss his book, and prepare to move soon. Well, to make a long story short, some of my friends fell for his fear-based thinking and did form a group and eventually soon moved. They tried to recruit me, but I told them I "did not go where fear leads". In fact, I was learning just the opposite at the Center for Attitudinal Healing, while working there with Jerry Jampolsky. - "Love is letting go of fear."
I really loved my friends, but they sheepishly moved back a few years later admitting they listened to a "wolf in sheeps clothing."
"Our world can look complex and is always presenting us with opportunities of growth and to see life differently, to change our mind and in the process free our selves from our past history. The World is always in flux and the threat of the end times has presented itself over and over in human history. Each time the world did end and a new phase unfolded. What if, just what if, this is really what is happening?"
Nameste~ Charlene
Dear Charlene, Let go of this fear, God is Love, Love is Eternal, you are Love, and therefore you are eternal.
"Perfect love casts out all fear."


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