Architects of a New Dawn

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Letter of Support for the Fair Elections Now Act (H.R.1826) to a Congressman

July 28, 2009

Congressman McCarthy,

It is essential that the corruptive influence of “big-money” be taken out of our “democratic” process. Industry should have a voice or “say” in that democratic process, but as it stands now, those entities with the larger bankrolls far exceed their proper influence. It is this imbalance that creates deep apathy and disdain for the elective process AND for those elected under that imbalance. It should be the policies and stands on issues of a candidate that put him or her into office, NOT the size or depth of their coffers thanks to big-moneyed interests.

I urge you to support the Fair Elections Now Act (H.R.1826). The playing field can be leveled and the confidence of the electorate can be regained. Again, it should be the policies and stands on issues of a candidate that put him or her into office. If big-money is allowed to have disproportionate control of government through its “purchasing” of politicians, I ask you, “where do I find the democracy in that?” If you truly care about democracy and the future of this once truly great country, you will support the Fair Elections Now Act.

Regardless of how you do or do not support that Act, I request that you provide me with your reasoning and your thoughts regarding any action you take. You are my U.S. Congressional Representative; I have a right AND a civic duty to ask for such an accounting, to ask these questions, and to voice my opinions and concerns. I hope you appreciate and take seriously my messages; I truly want to rebuild our country for the betterment and welfare of my children and my grandchildren. Election and campaign reform is one place a major overhaul is necessary to return the government to democracy. You would be extremely hard pressed to convince me and many, many others differently.

Thomas Danfield

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