Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Peace Builders ~ the Architects of a New Dawn

This year's Peace Day Global Broadcast, themed around "Building Peace Through Sustainability," has attracted a holistic range of content providers who are capable of meeting many of the UN Millennium Development Goals. As "Architects of a New Dawn," you may know others who should be included, we invite you to reach out and invite them to participate. They would be in good company, following are just some of this year's confirmed content providers, explore those of interest to you.

Action Against Hunger UN World Food Programme Positive Spin World Peace
Prayer Society Roots & Shoots

Nothing But Nets
UN Millennium Campaign Stand Up Against Poverty
Culture of Peace Initiative
United Religions Initiative Peace365

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UNDP SEWA Nepal Venice Eco-Fest Energy Village Music 4 Peace FUEL Film

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Odyssey Networks Made By Kids Rooted in Peace Unreasonable Institute WE The World EarthDance

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Amnesty International Association of World Citizens Project Restoration Rainforest Action Network Local Currency Council
Children of the Earth

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Prem Rawat Foundation Medicine For Humanity Global Oneness Project Yuval Ron Ensemble Peace Portal ENO Programme

idp_photoframe.jpgThe depth and richness of new content this year will be well appreciated! following is just some of the exclusive content prepared by Positive Spin for this year's event.

  • Jane Goodall: United Nations Messenger of Peace, and Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute. We will showcase a celebration of the life and work of Dr. Jane Goodall on her 75th birthday, looking back at fifty years of dedication to animal welfare and primatology
  • Mary Robinson: former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and former president of Ireland
  • Sergio Duarte: UN Undersecretary-General for Disarmament
  • "We Unite": a report on how Indian women are using micro-loans to better their lives
  • "Dance for Life": story on the United Nations Population Fund's "Dance for Life" program
  • Olga Speranskaya: recipient of the Goldman Environmental Prize 2008
  • "Brother to the Dreamer: Behold the Dream": a documentary detailing the life and controversial death of the Rev. Dr. Alfred Daniel Williams King -- younger brother and an important strategist to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Wanze Eduards and Hugo Jabini: environmental activists and Goldman Environmental Prize recipients for organizing efforts led to a landmark ruling giving indigenous and tribal peoples control of their natural resources. (see: Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Rights)
  • report on Brazil's innovative techniques and strategies to save the rain-forest.

We include content from providers who have provided permission for use of their material, some content made available under the Creative Commons License, and content provided to us by Live Feeds. If you'd like to submit content, collaborate, support, or sponsor this event, please contact us.


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