Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Seeing beyond the veil of the dark world

There is so much going on today that it is hard to keep up.Has there ever been a time that this world has not been in war?I can't but to think looking at the state of things going on and be a little disapointed.Sure there has been times of peace as there is a time for everything.But what is transpireing now is off the charts evil. It's hard to be in the face of adversity and find peace and serinity and freedom being liberated in our mind and heart.Some of the things that has helped me in my journey has been the tools of love, hope in deliverence, faith, believing, trusting and fearing God.And the type of charector that would be pleasing in God's sight, meekness, kindness, tender mercies, forgiveness, and humility.But I refuse to live in fear when the other shoe drops.If we can see through all the negativity find out what is meaningful and important and relevant in our lives with purpose in all that we do, we could do well.The thing is, God has a plan and we are all a part of it.I look forward to the day I can rest with my savior, and think about my destiny with Him.He will not abandon us, His spirit is always with us.We are the instruments that he will use to acomplish His purpose for the greater good."For He works all things together for good, for those that love Him." It's hard in this world to see all the goings on and wonder where is God?He's there, you just have to search for him a bit through the darkness.He has a plan and a purpose for us all."Do not worry, and be not afraid" Away with fear! I pray and hope that we can seak and share the perfect love God bestows on us, for perfect love casts out fear, fear can not be where love is.Bless you on your jouney with the spirit, and where He guides you!

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